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17134.113 in reply to 17134.112
Date: 4/26/2014 1:48:02 PM
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Vspodaj vtipkaš želeno številko

Change Ticket Prices

Here you can change prices for the seats in your stadium. The price changes take effect on 4/29/2014.

Bleachers : TUKAJ (Min: $5, Max: $20)
Lower Tier : TUKAJ (Min: $18, Max: $70)
Courtside Seats : TUKAJ (Min: $50, Max: $200)
Luxury Boxes :TUKAJ (Min: $400, Max: $1600)

Pritisneš Confirm change (verjetno prevod potrdi spremembo)lp

This Post:
17134.114 in reply to 17134.113
Date: 4/26/2014 3:39:40 PM
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Pa komu ti to pišeš?!

This Post:
17134.115 in reply to 17134.114
Date: 4/26/2014 4:36:16 PM
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preveč jih je da bi našteval art0 ,ki sem ga kliknil npr je imel zadnjo tekmo 3238 obiskovalcev če pomnoži krat 10 dobimo 32380 denarja
Če lastnik tega kluba spusti na 9 . 4500 krat 9 je 40500 že pri njem vidim zgubo vsake domače tekme 7500 kar pa za 3 ligaša niti ni malo...Torej brez ,da gradi dvorano ali areno zgublja denar.
Sedaj npr tisti ,ki so napredovali a zgubljajo spet če so že zdaj nepolno dvorano dobili jim bo to še ker se sezona že prevesa na polovico škodovalo..saj se navdušenje od napredovanja manjša sigurno pa ne pišem tebi ,ker sem ,ko pogledam tvojo dvorano zelo zadovoljen z obiskom...V prvem pa je napis za začetnike napadajo me pa celo (kakšen posameznik ne vsi) SKL ovci ,ki imajo celo več znanja od mene saj dalj časa igrajo to spletno mendarodno igrco . lp

This Post:
17134.116 in reply to 17134.115
Date: 4/26/2014 5:25:05 PM
KK Besnica
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Preveč pedagoške žilice v sebi pa nimaš, kaj ne? Ali si pa samo preveč hiperaktiven, da bi ti jo uspelo odkriti ... :)

Saj nič ne rečem, pohvalno, da se trudiš pisati za začetnike, vendar pa roko na srce, ker sem tudi sam bolj ali manj začetnik, se od tvojih spisov preveč ne morem naučiti.

PS: Od kje ti informacija, da se 5 igralcev trenira hitreje kot 12 v skupinskem treningu? Se ti to le zdi, ali pa je uradno potrjeno?

This Post:
17134.117 in reply to 17134.116
Date: 4/26/2014 9:49:46 PM
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Uradno ni potrjeno ,ker se pač prostih strelov ne splača trenirat. In ker se prostih strelov ne splača trenirat tega skoraj nihče ne počne. Ko pa sem bil sam začetnik tega nisem vedel zato sem jih kasneje tudi treniral. Ker pa je na isto idejo očitno prišlo več uporabnikov so treniranje prostih metov takrat upočasnili. Vseeno pa sem na lastnih igralcih videl kar sem napisal naj ti bo se mi zdi tako kot se mi zdi da če prižgem stikalo doma ,da zato zagori luč. Tudi tega nisem nikjer prebral mama in oče sta mi verjetno povedala...Glej če treniraš 5 igralcev opazuj moj klub skoz imam od 5 do 12 igralcev vse probam ja zdaj jih imam pač 10 . Prostih metov res že dolgo nisem treniral zato bom pač rekel ,če se od takrat ,ko sem treniral proste mete ni nič spremenilo , če se od takrat ,ko sem še verjel ,da je skupinski trening čudovita stvar saj vsi igralci torej skor polovica skače s skili gor ni nič spremenilo je tudi pri skupinskem treningu važno koliko igralcev imamo. No dvopozicijski ter enopozicijski trening je pa na žalost toliko hitrejši ,da bi si moral zapisovati vsaj 6 mesecev ,da bi kaj ugotovil zato bom rekel : " Če so šli tisti ,ki so igrco naredili toliko v podrobnosti ,da so upoštevali pri skupinskem treningu tudi število igralcev se mi zdi zelo verjetno ,da lahko to velja tudi pri dvo in eno pozicijskem treningu . Na žalost pa je podatkov preveč kako kupiti isto visoke isto stare in imeti dosti denarja ,da se vse to preverit saj bi moral najprej trenirat dva enako visoka 1 leto potem ponoviti isto s tremi isto visokimi ter istim potencialom kar pa se mi res ne da. Čeprav so proste mete upočasnili pa vseeno se ,da videti razliko če le reskiraš 10 tednov , ker pri prostih metih starost ni važna je čisto vseeno s katerimi igralci probaš (no ne sedaj vzet 10 osemnajstletnikov ter 5 40 let starih k so že na pol slepi) lp

This Post:
17134.118 in reply to 17134.117
Date: 4/27/2014 10:12:17 AM
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Hjo bi bilo vredu da bi totega kdo banal iz foruma ali pa nekaj :D

This Post:
17134.119 in reply to 17134.118
Date: 4/27/2014 9:29:50 PM
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Rip eden od organizatorjev igrce je npr tole objavil ,ker gre za strokovnjaka mu gre za zaupati. To pa sem prebral ne bom komentiral ,da koga ne razjezim razen če kdo ne zastopi kratko pojasnilo na napad nasprotnika look inside (pod koš kot do dela miami je obramba 2/3) ,da se lažje zastopi kaj pomeni kaj!

What tactics are good against other tactics?
Listed below are some of the offensive tactics and the defensive tactic that match up well against each other. Obviously this is generalised, and may not be best for your team if you have weaknesses in particular areas of the game. Remember that this chart displays very simplistic matchup characteristics and will only give you a very rough idea of what’s best to use. The actual game engine and tactics are very complicated. This matchup is based on the assumption that the two teams are equal in every way.

Offensive Tactics................. Corresponding Defensive Tactic
Base Offence...................... Man to Man
Push the Ball....................... Man to Man
Patient.............................. Man to Man
Look Inside ........................ 2-3 zone
Low Post............................ 2-3 zone
Motion............................... 3-2 zone or 1-3-1 zone
Run and Gun...................... 3-2 zone or 1-3-1 zone
Princeton........................... 3-2 zone or 1-3-1 zone

For more information on tactics visit: (

-*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*-

This Post:
17134.120 in reply to 17134.119
Date: 4/27/2014 9:48:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sicer od leta 2011 a še vedno ,da vpogled isto Rip

What affects training?
Training is affected by numerous things such as trainer level, height of player, number of positions being trained, level of the skill being trained, how close the levels of the main skills are (elastic effect) and the number of minutes played that week in the training position. Age is also a key factor.

The height of the player affects training speed for different skills. Skills such as rebounding and other inside skills will train faster the taller the player is. The shorter the player the faster he will train in outside skills such as outside defence, handling and driving.

How does potential work?
Potential acts as a cap on training. Different potential levels cap out at different skill levels. So an MVP can be trained longer than an Allstar potential player. There is a rough salary estimate corresponding to the cap for each potential level. Once the skill set of a player reaches a particular point (The soft cap) that is equal to the potential level of the player, training really slows down and it becomes ineffective to train the player anymore.

0 Announcer: < 6k (do 5000 plače s z lahkoto treniram do 6000 se upočasni rast skilov težje natrenira)
1 Bench warmer: < 8k
2 Role player: < 13k
3 6th man: 15-18k
4 Starter: 20-30k
5 Star: 35-50k
6 AllStar: 60-80k
7 Perennial allstar: 95-140k
8 Superstar: 140-220k
9 MVP: 215-315k
10 Hall of famer: 500k+
11 All time great: 1M+

The above is a rough estimate of potentials and where they cap at. Note that centers are generally capable of attaining a higher salary than guards.

-*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*-

Last edited by RiP at 2/11/2011 11:52:49 PM
Odtakrat sicer plače malo padajo a podatki so vseeno zelo podobni še posebno pri najvišjih potencialih lp

This Post:
17134.121 in reply to 17134.120
Date: 4/27/2014 9:57:01 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Draft razlaga Rip in končam vem ,da je to že objavleno a važne stvari morajo biti začetniku na večih koncih primer : nekdo se logira 2 tedna pred koncem sezone je zadnji in vlaga v draft:

How much should I spend on scouting?
This really depends on the situation you are in. If you are in a league full of bots then it might be well worth it to spend some decent money on the scouting process because chances are you will get a high pick. If you are in a higher league with human competitors, then it depends on where you think you will finish on the ladder at the end of the season. If you think you will finish towards the bottom, then it is well worth spending a lot of money on the draft as you get one of the first picks thus increasing your chances at getting a good prospect. If you think you will finish top and promote then it might not be worth scouting at all, or maybe just spend 5k a week. It is a balancing act. In terms of value for money, scouting 10k a week seems to be a good way to go as it doesn’t cost you much for the whole season, and you still get a decent look at the draft. Don’t forget that the draft is a lottery and you might not get a good prospect even if you have one of the first picks.

Why can’t I see the draft at the moment?
The draft isn’t available until the end of the regular season. More information will be available in forums closer to the date.

“I can see the draft, but when I scouted this week it did not add anything extra to the draft info. Why?”
Once the draft has become visible for you, any scouting done is for the next draft. So you are not wasting money by scouting now, you are simply scouting for the next seasons draft.

What do the draft balls translate into in terms of player salary and potential?

5 balls = $3,700 and higher
4 balls = $2,800 - $3,700
3 balls = $2,300 - $2,800
2 balls = $1,900 - $2,300
1 ball = $1,900 and lower

5 balls = 10 - 12 (MVP - All-time Great)
4 balls = 8 - 9 (Perennial Allstar - Superstar)
3 balls = 5 - 7 (Star - Allstar)
2 balls = 3 - 4 (6th Man - Starter)
1 ball = 1 - 2 (Announcer - Role Player)

-*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*-

Last edited by RiP at 9/9/2010 7:26:02 PM

This Post:
17134.122 in reply to 17134.121
Date: 4/29/2014 9:53:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
(21052777) isti igralec bi z zunajno obrambo 20+ ,obrambo pod košem 20+ ter met pod košem 20+ jemal plačo do 130 000.
Sedaj s to plačo ima skile
15 11
17 15
15 10
15 16
6 5
ter skili ki na prispevajo k plači
9 11
Če kdo bere ko mu bodo skili padal na ta dan plačo se mi zdi 65 000 s temi skili približno mal že pozabil To so krila prihodnost če le čas dovoli to je moje osebno mnenje lp

This Post:
17134.123 in reply to 17134.122
Date: 7/24/2014 12:16:50 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Pojavilo se je togle taktiks ,ko gledate tekmo , ker želijo očitno ,da se vsi navadite na taktike.
Ko kliknete se odpre

dvorana tivoli Team Ratings KK Vrhovci

Inside Isolation Offensive Strategy Patient
2-3 Zone Defensive Strategy Man to Man

Game-Day Prep
-- Focus --
-- Pace --

Your team effort for this game: Crunch Time
dvorana tivoli put more into this game than KK Vrhovci. In pokaže že med tekmo kakšno ste taktiko naštimali ter vaš nasprotnik.lp
