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GDP feature

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From: Marko

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250685.114 in reply to 250685.113
Date: 12/29/2013 1:16:29 PM
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I am not sure, but I think they cancel each other and you don't get a defensive bonus if I remember correctly, so the both values should be the same or nearly equal. As long as they are not living in North Korea, I see no problem to let them freely choose pairs that are not possible, managers can do with their teams whatever they want.

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250685.115 in reply to 250685.114
Date: 12/31/2013 11:42:57 AM
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In the game manual there are some offenses listed as slightly increased pace, and also some that say outside/midrange. What GDP do you choose to affect a "Slightly" increased pace and "midrange".

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250685.116 in reply to 250685.115
Date: 12/31/2013 11:53:17 AM
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In the game manual there are some offenses listed as slightly increased pace, and also some that say outside/midrange. What GDP do you choose to affect a "Slightly" increased pace and "midrange".

EGM-Nickleon has compiled the official list from the BBs about what the focus and pace of each tactic.

Last edited by GM-hrudey at 12/31/2013 11:53:29 AM

From: reps
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250685.117 in reply to 250685.116
Date: 12/31/2013 12:19:38 PM
BC LionSnake
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i`m a bit disappointed after trying GDP, guessed correctly the focus (didnt guess speed), opponent didnt guess any of my tactics right, so i should have gotten big advantage, but in the end GDP is giving very little, so i`m disappointed in it.

I`m the nicest person you will know:)
From: Knecht
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250685.118 in reply to 250685.117
Date: 12/31/2013 1:46:34 PM
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Any numbers on how many teams are using the GDP?

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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250685.119 in reply to 250685.117
Date: 12/31/2013 4:03:35 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
Sorry, I don't see BIG advantage, nor should there be.
Players will not all of a sudden become magical.
You will get a boost not a miracle

This Post:
250685.120 in reply to 250685.119
Date: 12/31/2013 4:46:08 PM
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For me seems its better to quess either of pace and focus. because so far it seems like if you quess one wrong it cancels theother effect. So if you guessing it better to choose one it like 1/3 chance youll get small boost and if you guess both its 1/9. ALso the boost seems to be very small, maybe +4-6 points? but in close game its all the edge you need. But in the other hand quessing both is risky, especially if oponent keeps switching tactics.

This Post:
250685.122 in reply to 250685.119
Date: 1/1/2014 2:47:29 AM
BC LionSnake
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Sorry, I don't see BIG advantage, nor should there be.
Players will not all of a sudden become magical.
You will get a boost not a miracle

i didnt need miracle, in my mind my team was allready better, he had HC advantage, but maybe i can blame tactics

Last edited by reps at 1/1/2014 2:48:50 AM

I`m the nicest person you will know:)
This Post:
250685.123 in reply to 250685.120
Date: 1/1/2014 7:03:44 AM
Młoty Stargard
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GDP is too strong

two games
(66238156) and (66238163)
in the second match bonuses = +1 ent and HCA
in the first and second match my stats defense are the same
so my one good prediction = 1 ent + HCA
two good predictions = 2 ent + 2xHCA?
but it isn't everything
opponent can predict two times wrong - sum bonuses = +4ent + 4xHCA? - it is crazy
GDP can change the result of +/-30 Points or more!

GDP is too strong

Last edited by darkonza at 1/1/2014 8:35:30 AM

This Post:
250685.124 in reply to 250685.123
Date: 1/1/2014 8:34:25 AM
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Except on the second game you also made an incorrect prediction, so it's actually two predictions that equal 1 enthusiasm + HCA. Which still seems a little too strong, but it's also a very small dataset at this point (and we don't know for example which PR specialties you may have been having). Hopefully more people will have similarly useful data that we can look at.
