It depends. To use an EPL example, if Blackpool relegates its fans won't stop supporting the team, but if West Ham or Blackburn relegate it will be considered a disaster. To fans, success is measured against expectations.
you mean new promoted in compare with old ones. true? or smalls vs bigs?
If first, I would agree. even would say they will have more fan support! 'cause they want to repeat it again.
maybe we need some more features to make a more similar virtual managing career ;)
for example if a new promoted team that competed well in new league but relegates, still keep its fan support. but how to measure "well competing"?
If second, I would say we have not clear small/big parameters here but budget amount! e.g. a team that has enough money to compete well but avoid then lose much more fan support after relegation :)
how is it? :)
Last edited by MJ at 4/23/2011 11:49:31 PM