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BBB 3 Benefits

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32764.115 in reply to 32764.112
Date: 6/3/2008 11:38:27 PM
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No you hit my points pretty well. All I was saying is you being honest came out with the fact you mutually arranged games. You stated it's not illegal and don't see a problem with it. The teams in the NBBA when first accused then asked the same question tried to justify what they do instead of speaking out about it. I read the suggestive post back when it was posted and felt this TIE/CT should of been taken out of the game until the defined the levels BB wanted to reach was attained.

Your absolutely right on about it being a strategic tactic. What burns (and I am sure countless others) is the profit gained by the collusion. This isn't 2 teams we are talking about, but more which makes any success watered down for the sake of preservation.

What really makes me mad is the same group that in some way is involved with our National Team is the same group we are talking about. These are NT assistants that have information to all the American players as gathered by the leader. While I am making no accusations here, where is the limit of this collusion between these teams reach?

This crap become the norm because it's the only way other teams can compete against the establishment. That still doesn't make it right.

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32764.116 in reply to 32764.113
Date: 6/3/2008 11:42:12 PM
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You are correct to an extent. Medicial steroids are legal in the US and were the EXCUSE of many of these players. How they obtained them, shared them and then LIED about it is what made it wrong.

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32764.117 in reply to 32764.114
Date: 6/3/2008 11:43:19 PM
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I'm not disagreeing with you, but I do have one question.

Several ethics classes? Why would you need so many? :)

From: Deadmeat

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32764.118 in reply to 32764.114
Date: 6/3/2008 11:50:01 PM
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Its unethical when it creates an unlevel playing field not based on your tactical efforts. To me having a group of people agree to take it easy and build up enthusiasm to use on people not part of the agreement is not right. Other teams may have the option to ask for the take it easy, but may or may not have willfull co-participants.

This is unbalanced and not in any way in my opinion the same as effectively training your team, balancing your roster, budget and stadium. To me its pretty amazing and noteworthy that one of the teams mentioned in this post has had one league game where they did not have the same effort level as their opponent and in that game they got waxed by 40.

I have stated my reasons why I don't agree with the decisions some have made. You can dismiss my reasons for the objection as irrational all you want and the unfortunate truth is until a rule change is made its only a matter of opinion.

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32764.121 in reply to 32764.99
Date: 6/3/2008 11:51:38 PM
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Thats the way - defend your fellow man just like the way you mutually TIE'd games. It's pathetic. He is making a point in which you guys are arranging games. Did you cheat? No it was in the rules for you to do so and in some cases makes you look smart that you were able to come up with it.

I want to point out NONE of you has came out and said you have mutually TIE'd games. Just admit it we can start a new thread of how the NBBA is half baked.

Oh man - i just cant resist.... lets open up a new thread entirely!

Can we also revisit the 2.5mil trade? Amazing how after repeatedly asking I am being denied access to the biggest transfers of Dec/Jan/Feb... but as soon as 2 other teams do something similar in a much more volatile transfer market they get picked up and heavily fined....

The TIE issue gladly doesnt affect me but if I was a ambitious l.2 or l.3 team planning to move up would it be wise to start drafting some bb-mails to confirm you would be a willing participant of the TIE society. I would hate to be on the list of teams that re-negged on an agreement... you may as well forget the NBBA exists and just enjoy your time in l.2!!

This Post:
32764.122 in reply to 32764.113
Date: 6/3/2008 11:54:10 PM
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By god you are right, illegal in the US, which is why there was the grand jury and indictments and such. However, baseball still didnt outlaw them until 2002, and barry bonds and others continued to play ball making millions instead of rotting in a cell. So because they were getting away with it and were revered players at the time. How the tides have turned and now just about every true fan of the game looks at them with disdain for what they did to the sport, much like several in this thread are now looking upon some of the top teams in the NBBA.

You keep defending like what you are doing is right, two teams of fairly equal skill saying " we both have a good opponents coming up you know we could both take it easy" without the other teams knowing. Sounds a bit like what any professional sport would call a fixed game. I mean hell lets introduce gambling as another means to earn money in BB and we can start making some real cash by fixing that as well, forget this chump change people are making by day trading. Or better yet, lets both agree to throw trainees in and take it easy? Save our studs for games we cant get a team to sign an alliance. That way we can sell off the trainees for some money and still manage to win some games. Damn I like this idea...this is a good TACTICAL maneuver anyone in League III.5 reading this thread? Want to form an alliance? Lets kick the rest off the island. Actually any GM's right next to the Looking for scrimmage thread can I get a Mutual TIE/Put our trainees Advertisement up? Im taking this global

Last edited by vballkid69 at 6/3/2008 11:57:30 PM

This Post:
32764.123 in reply to 32764.118
Date: 6/3/2008 11:54:47 PM
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To me its pretty amazing and noteworthy that one of the teams mentioned in this post has had one league game where they did not have the same effort level as their opponent and in that game they got waxed by 40.

you are kidding right? Nanos, Harrell, Proffitt, Farrar, should i continue?
