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New Ball Rating System (thread closed)

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From: brian

To: Coco
This Post:
155342.117 in reply to 155342.115
Date: 8/31/2010 9:49:20 AM
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I'd prefer the "decider" but Charles already took that

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
155342.118 in reply to 155342.116
Date: 8/31/2010 10:17:23 AM
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Most pieces of advice by everyone are opinions.

Well, unless you say something like: "in my opinion" or "do not take this as fact", many new users might actually believe what you are saying is the absolute truth. Your high number of balls may only compound the situation.

I go back to a particular example from the help forum that still bothers me:

Yeah I am just training stamina and free throws until the draft.
I just sold a trainee a few weeks ago for 1.75 million, but in this current market with all prices so cheap training isn't really worth it at the moment.

After you were challenged on this statement by an experienced user, you came back to say something along the lines of: this only applies to your team, it is just your opinion, etc. However, I did not get any of that from your initial post.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
155342.119 in reply to 155342.118
Date: 8/31/2010 11:47:55 AM
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What a battle in "balls", Naker leading 68 to 40 against Paper. Lets dethrone Naker, by giving as many points as you can to Paper :D

This Post:
155342.120 in reply to 155342.110
Date: 8/31/2010 11:49:45 AM
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You just have to look at Naker. Although, it is nice to see someone with so much enthusiasm.

You have to give him credit, he really works hard. A real motivation, almost craving, for balls. Nobody gets more balls then he does. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Last edited by brian at 8/31/2010 11:51:00 AM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
155342.121 in reply to 155342.119
Date: 8/31/2010 11:54:04 AM
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What a battle in "balls", Naker leading 68 to 40 against Paper. Lets dethrone Naker, by giving as many points as you can to Paper

I appreciate the sentiment and really will not complain if it happens... But I would personally rather you gave the balls to BB-Edju. If anyone deserves them, it is him.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
155342.122 in reply to 155342.120
Date: 8/31/2010 11:58:20 AM
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I get it... And I will add that no one is better at making stupid posts than me. If I had a dime for every time a BB or GM or experienced user has corrected me on my assumptions, I would be rich now.

Last edited by HeadPaperPusher at 8/31/2010 11:58:52 AM

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
155342.123 in reply to 155342.118
Date: 8/31/2010 12:10:37 PM
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Someone shouldn't have to say "in my opinion" in every post they make. I think that majority of posts are obvious as to whether someone is giving an opinion or not.

For example:
Yeah I am just training stamina and free throws until the draft.
I just sold a trainee a few weeks ago for 1.75 million, but in this current market with all prices so cheap training isn't really worth it at the moment.

I think it is quite clear that I am giving an opinion. And I am sure there would be many users that feel the same. Low transfer market prices logically means that training isn't as valuable. I'm not saying that training is useless or worthless, I'm just saying that I think training has lost a lot of value and may not be the best road to success. Do you agree?

This Post:
155342.124 in reply to 155342.123
Date: 8/31/2010 12:21:29 PM
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Does opinions have any connect with ball rating?

This Post:
155342.125 in reply to 155342.124
Date: 8/31/2010 12:26:57 PM
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What do you mean?

This Post:
155342.126 in reply to 155342.125
Date: 8/31/2010 12:36:22 PM
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i think his getting at you shouldnt be balled for your thoughts on a matter.

though considering the only people that know things for sure are the bb's any post on here which is not directly from information given by the bb's is only someones thoughts i still feel the more helpful posts should get balled.

Last edited by zyler at 8/31/2010 12:36:56 PM

This Post:
155342.127 in reply to 155342.123
Date: 8/31/2010 12:42:14 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

Someone shouldn't have to say "in my opinion" in every post they make.

True. But if making posts in the help (newbie) forum, as an experienced (and high balled) user, people are going to put a lot of weight into your comments. Especially comments like: "training isn't really worth it", without giving any context.

I think it is quite clear that I am giving an opinion.

I do not have the clarity that you have on that one. In my eyes, it looked like you were putting it out there as a statement of fact.

Do you agree?

I really do not have enough information to say anything one way or another on the issue, at least for the specifics of your team. However, if we are talking globally and not putting a time limit on anything, I completely disagree. I still think training is the 1st path to success in this game, even if the market has lost a lot of value.

As for your specific situation, I am not sure. But you gave some example about spending x dollars on trainees and only getting y dollars back. Why not spend $0 on a really low potential 19-20 year old, short player with a few guard skills and mediocre outside d. Take his outside d to proficient (maybe 10 weeks training?). I think you could make around 200k on such a move, probably more than you could make training FTs and stamina. And if the market improves at all, maybe you make even more money (really, can the market get any worse at this point?).

Anyhow, that's my last off-topic post for the day. ;-)

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager