I'm not entirely sure what you are asking but I'll give it a go.
I think it is different for offence and defence. For offence, your team should generally try to be balanced in outside and inside which would allow you to play all offensive tactics pretty well. Or you should try and focus purely on an inside tactic or outside tactic that would overcome your opponents defence. So it is up to you whether you make your team strong on the inside, or strong on the outside or balanced overall.
In regards to defence, again you can choose to focus on inside, outside or balanced. Currently though, it seems that having great outside defence can be used to stop all tactics. So it may be worth it to focus on outside defence more than inside defence. However inside defence is still important so don't disregard it.
For Run and Gun offence you need good outside shooters (so high jump shot and high jump range).
Similar is required for Motion.
Princeton requires similar but also needs great passing skills on all your players.
On all of the above I recommend having a PG and SF that can shoot pretty well in addition to your SG.
For Look Inside you need your guards and SF to have decent IS and good passing skills and of course your PF and C have to have great Inside Shot.
For Low Post you need your gaurds and SF to have really good Passing and your PF and C should have very high Inside Shot.