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Season 42 Y'all

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293541.118 in reply to 293541.115
Date: 5/27/2018 8:25:44 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Clean sweep by the Blues. All 8 of the blues can put up a fight and #1 & 2 of the reds were tied up with #1 and 2 of the blues, so this isn't a HUGE surprise. Mighty Spartans needed a big 4th quarter to squeak out their win, though. I didn't expect them to win when I checked in on the game at half.

The kitties were extra fierce tonight against my squad. Despite the double digit victory, they had it down to 3 points with 4 minutes or so to play. I don't know if I win that game last year, but we are a well-oiled machine this year. All 11 of my regular rotation are strong/proficient game shape, and 9 of them are proficient. Perry Sommer at PF was a huge addition, as well. He provides secondary, and a lot of times primary, scoring. Plus Sams and Richter are now capable of playing at this level. In previous seasons, if Colon was shut down my offense would sputter.

That was a nice comeback by Sparty. And they have righted the ship and will serve as a spoiler the rest of the way. But the comeback of the night, nigh of the season, was turned in up in the New River Valley as delirium reigned. A glance at the scoreboard after three periods saw Masters seemingly ensconced leading by a dozen. Generals management was looking forward to setting into second. But in the words of Lee Corso, not so fast my friend. Not only do the Defacto Gobblers come back, they ransacked Masters trashing them so badly during that final 12 minutes to engender garbage time. When it was all said and done Deronimo had turned in something truly absurd by claiming the fourth by a count of FORTY EIGHT to fourteen. I've seen some crazy comebacks in our silly little game, I've seen some crazy comebacks IRL but that might just not take the cake, but all of the rest of the pastries.

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293541.120 in reply to 293541.119
Date: 5/27/2018 2:19:00 PM
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Ha I was wondering why the scrubs didn't come out except for one minute based on the score.

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293541.122 in reply to 293541.121
Date: 5/29/2018 10:48:15 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Yeah there were missteps all over the place. Enthusiasm, lineup, defense, offense, sub pattern all factored into the equation.

Now comes the clearance sale, Raul Emolouga is 40 so he is a given, especially with that new piece still factoring into matters. the real question is who is gone beside that? At least one other guy from the back court, maybe even two or even three if I cut bait on some of the projects. About everyone on the roster I can make a case for unloading, and a counterpoint to keep.

This Post:
293541.123 in reply to 293541.122
Date: 5/31/2018 9:57:19 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Tonight's opening is of a collection of various 1000 yard stares from various players in our passion play.


Announcer: as the scramble in the slaughterhouse reconvenes it is in many ways a new season as past results are never a guarantee of future returns.

The Mavs seek to hold serve against a quakes club seeking a upset to hopefully pull them out of the hole.

While sparty seeks the same to solidify their shot at a second chance to survive a disappointing campaign.

In a likely preview of a looming loser leaves town best of three the sharks and bunnies will get a shot to see just what one may have for the other a few weeks hence.

Tonight our cameras will focus in on a facinating foray as The Pistons and Masters meet up in a battle between two teams with very different agendas. The Pistons just want to hold onto the final spot on their side while Masters still very much have eyes on claiming the catbirds seat in club red.

The generals cup run came crashing to a halt earlier in the week. Now they face a full on trap as 2 needs this one to stay in the conversation for their postseason aspersions.

Stormz is seeking to take care of business and perhaps get a bit of help to place themselves back in the first division of the blues. As for the bulls they are just hoping at this point to do whatever they can to put themselves in the position to just have a shot to stick around another season.

The same scenario is at play between Deronimo and winners. Though with one major difference, Deronimo is still pining for the prize of top honors in the ultra competitive Blues.

And at the top of the table are the prospective Kings of the slaughterhouse jungle as those low country legendary Lions roared all the way to a visit to the round of 32 in the cup. But now with those responsibilities relinquished they can focus on finalizing their long-term goal of blowing this popsicle stand. Though it will not be easy with the collection of hard charging competitors bearing down in them like a trucker on I26.

As usual our crew will keep you turned in at all the league venues. Stay tuned for the Psychic Friends Network Sybil Says segment . And tonight Jim Bob's baitshop and mattress emporium brings to you a new feature with the transfer tally ticker which will reset all the free agent activity of the season and which will are happy to announce will be here to keep you abreast for the balance of the campaign. All that and more, no need to snore as it's a were going to brand and squeeze every last dime out of our advertisers edition of BB2NIGHT (heard on a still open channel as the bumper them and standard animation occurs " hey did JIM BOBS check clear")

This Post:
293541.125 in reply to 293541.124
Date: 6/2/2018 7:58:35 AM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
That suxs you had to throw the game. I never made it pass allstar break to tell you myself.

This Post:
293541.126 in reply to 293541.125
Date: 6/2/2018 10:15:59 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I made the final 16 once, but like most of my accomplishments it was a while ago...

This Post:
293541.127 in reply to 293541.126
Date: 6/3/2018 11:12:45 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Ahhh, your hallowed days of antiquity. Deronimo fans are some old farmers dressed in overalls whittling in rocking chairs in front of a pot bellied stove in some little general store on some winding backwoods road. Generals fans btw will have to go up that way to pick up some shine for the tailgate party because poor old Cletus got popped at the last home date.

Last night our traveling band of misfits and miscreants made their way to 2 for what management knew would be a difficult task. Over the seasons I have noticed my fellas tend to nurse a post cup hangover, last night was no exception. The boys came out flat as a pancake....ney more like a crepe.

Fell down by 17, stayed in double digits until just before half but got to the psychological hurdle as it went to intermission. Trimmed it to five after three, then spurted to a six point lead midway thru the final period.

But the worm turned again and 2 got up by 3. In a contest that seemed chippy and contentious throughout I believe Skinner slipped down the lane for a little runner with around half a minute to go to give the generals a lead. A stop on the other end and one charity shot set the stage for our final controversy. A miss by Hamlin gives Bennett a tip in for the tie.....but out of nowhere here comes the heartbeat of the Generals Alfred "The Butler" Webb who aside from cleaning glass had been having a really bad evening on offense but who was doing his job on defense(no points,16 boards, couple blocks, couple steals).

In a perfect confluence Webb just absolutely plows the guy affecting the follow-up just enough for the ball to bound away as the refs whistle blows and the arena horn sounds and that red light flashes. Absolute pandemonium in the stands, as Bennett makes that lonely trek to the stripe as he sits there a man alone.

The arena falls silent except for a section in the upper bowels where you hear whistling, and banging and general commotion. But as he is handed the ball the silence is deafening. Three dribbles, release "long" comes from a fan as it heads towards the bucket, kicks the back iron and falls to the left. Bennett goes "damn" as his head jerks backward in disbelief that. A audible groan, suddenly down near the Generals bench comes the contents of the arena concession stand. Almost as quickly come the men in yellow event staff shirts along with a cadre of cops. With astonishing speed the team is assembled, surrounded and told by the head of security "run" as Bennett drops the final FT for the one point margin, which by the way made the bookies a boatload as this game was a "2pick" meaning you take one side or the other but have to give two points which means in that sort of setup you cant bet the underdog. My dad made book on the side in football that turned into a 3 pick, back before OT in college football ties of course would occur. One time UNC was playing UVA and settled for a chipshot for a tie instead of going for it on the final play inside the five. As the kicker comes out the old man grins ear to ear. Afterwards I am asking why he was so happy about it, " because it just win me about three grand"

But I digress. Last night was a perfect example of whys it's sometimes better to be lucky than good

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/3/2018 7:55:36 PM

This Post:
293541.128 in reply to 293541.127
Date: 6/5/2018 11:45:00 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
A opening montage of slow motion fist bumps, high fives and coaches communicating with their charges.


Announcer: it's been said d.III is BB prison. Well as we prepare for the conclusion of another one sided edition of intersectional play the contenders and pretenders will battle it out on the Slaughterhouse cell block to see whom can finally be set free. While others look at the spectre of being exiled to the gulag of d4.

Deronimo seeks to keep pace with the Lions as 2 comes to town seeking to avoid a deeper drop into the relegation zone.

Quake looks to maintain their recent increase in quality of play against a sharks squad pretty much slotted into the six hole.

The Pistons seek to churn one step closer to the playoffs as the winners may well already need to be looking at cleaning out their desk.

In our feature offering The bunnies will try to keep contact with the upper echelon as the bulls seek to perhaps pull off a surprise to better secure their shot at salvaging survival.

Masters will have to brave the homestanding Stormz in their efforts to stay with the kitties in club red. Stormz needs this one just to keep contact with the logjam in the blues.

Despite being under .500 the Mavs are well in position for the postseason but a trip to the NoCo is usually not the way to bolster the win count, especially this season.

The blizzards are trying to hang onto the final slot in club red while sparty is once again needing to find a way out of the cellar.

And lastly, the generals season of living dangerously continues as club red head kitties come scratching at their door.

Stay tuned for Sybil Says this week sponsored by Miss Cleo. Also tonight in our pregame is another edition of the transfer ticker tonight sponsored by the Steve and Eydie Gorme all you can eat buffet and tribute floor show, show your ticket stub and get a free drink. As always never fear we got it all here as it's time once again for another edition of BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/5/2018 11:53:01 AM
