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Enthusiasm and tactics question

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From: Kelyn

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185586.12 in reply to 185586.10
Date: 5/22/2011 1:33:08 PM
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Also, is it possible to lose a few games during the season and still get promoted? Thanks for the help guys.

Oops, did I shoot early again?
From: jacobomd

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185586.13 in reply to 185586.12
Date: 5/22/2011 1:42:29 PM
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Also, is it possible to lose a few games during the season and still get promoted? Thanks for the help guys.

Sure, i did it last season. Think of PO. Getting home court advantage it´s important but not definitive, youn can be promoted finishing 4th at regular season if you manage properly enthusiasm and game shape.
And if you don´t win PO, you could be promoted replacing bots depending on how many bots are in higher levels and the record of teams at V. Last season in spanish V league, all the teams who finished 22-0 and couldn´t win their leagues they got promoted and some more who finished 21-1 record.

Good luck.

From: ibarix

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185586.14 in reply to 185586.12
Date: 5/22/2011 2:09:48 PM
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Also, is it possible to lose a few games during the season and still get promoted? Thanks for the help guys.

OMG, of course you can lose some of the games... But not in the playoofs.

From: phelps41

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185586.15 in reply to 185586.12
Date: 5/22/2011 2:30:51 PM
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Yes. In fact, you generally lose one or two games building up enth. However the more games you lose the less chance you have to get promoted without winning the title.

From: Kelyn

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185586.17 in reply to 185586.16
Date: 5/22/2011 4:45:26 PM
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Thanks for all the help everyone.

Oops, did I shoot early again?
From: Dunkface

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185586.18 in reply to 185586.6
Date: 5/23/2011 12:08:37 PM
Arizona Cacti
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I remember when I was in D5 and my 5k shooting guard was one of best players in the league lol... looks like some of these are actually becoming competitive at the top. In reference to your question, I'm a big fan of banking enthusiasm but since you have a big lead in your division, I'd normal against the first one and CT the second one. That way you still have pretty decent enthusiasm for defense in game 2 instead of using it all up on the first guy.

Beating Deathmaple will give you edge in getting HCA in finals so that's definitely the more important game.

From: ibarix

This Post:
185586.19 in reply to 185586.18
Date: 5/23/2011 1:27:48 PM
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The only problem is - he can't beat Death. Death is too strong.

From: Dunkface

This Post:
185586.20 in reply to 185586.19
Date: 5/23/2011 3:21:00 PM
Arizona Cacti
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Hey, the world didn't end on Saturday like some whackos were saying it would. Imo, everyone beat death!
