Popyes' game shape did improve from what it was last week when I first posted, so he might just be recovering from a cup run. So I'll dive you that. But he doesn't manage enthusiasm which is a huge mistake and he always plays the same tactics: Patient, 3-2 Zone
Circus did overpay for two older players which does hurt his chances. Also happening after my post . Apparently he missed an important part of my message.
4. Invest in some older players who are good (salaries around $8,000-$10,000). Players 30year old+ plus players can be bought for relatively cheap on the transfer list. Don't worry they will still be good for a couple more years.
I didn't say it was going to be easy or wouldn't take talent, but the season is only halfway over and no one in his conference is a dominant force.
I know for myself I hated to stay in D.V cause it's no good and filled with bots. Quite frankly I started losing interest in the game cause it was way to easy the next year in D.V. I only wish I joined a little earlier like he did so I could have had 2 weeks more money to spend and also not overpaid all of my 300K on one player right away.
I still would say go for it, but that might just be me.