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Super Premium features....

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From: LA-Nir

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230891.12 in reply to 230891.1
Date: 12/3/2012 6:52:19 AM
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i do like 3 and 4

i think 3 should be extra pay not just as a supported feature maybe a combo of extra pay and to be a supporter
if the BB's think it will make them look desperet and cheap i do not agree (well not more then sending letters to former supporters) and i do think you can name only your own draftees and make it something like 5-10$ extra per draftee will make it a fun feature but not something over abused

as for 4 i honestly think that if they do it it will bomp the number of supporters just for the sake of making the make your own jersey feature

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain
From: LA-Nir

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230891.14 in reply to 230891.13
Date: 12/3/2012 7:24:38 AM
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i do not support the polls for polls thing so i am n ot the right guy to do it for you sorry

but i do know that ppl really want to make their own jersey feature and they do not want it even to be to complex like 3-4 different jersey styles 1 main pain and another one for the strips and so and maybe but not really needed but can be a nice feature to it either have the team logo on it or have another collection of 4-5 symbols to add in the middle

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain
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230891.15 in reply to 230891.1
Date: 12/10/2012 4:51:02 PM
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While the pledge idea is interesting, If 10 people pledge a total of $400 for an idea and this is not enough for the idea to be completed, I see those people complaining and wanting a refund.

Last edited by Dean Broda at 12/10/2012 4:51:16 PM

From: yodabig

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230891.17 in reply to 230891.16
Date: 12/13/2012 7:24:03 AM
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I have also played a soccer game and at the end of each season you have the option to change your nation to whatever one you want. You then start the next season in the lowest division of that nation. What is wrong with that?