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"Career Extension" completely useless???

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235151.12 in reply to 235151.10
Date: 1/26/2013 5:32:20 PM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
I've got a 36 year old with only 3 skill drops in 3 1/2 seasons! Without career extension!

How high are his skills?
I ask, because I know few 45-50 yo players, who hadn't even single drop during few seasons in row,
(It's nothing spectacular, because they have TSP=10...)

The 36 year old has TSP of around 55 (not counting stamina/FT). Not a great player, but certainly enough left to drop... The 34 year old didn't have very high skills either. (none even close to 15... most skills around 10 i think)

In other hand, therefore is harder to keep without drop 33yo player, who has few skills above 15.

Maybe. But I've had a few 33 year olds with very high skills and no drops. And no major changes in DMI.

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235151.13 in reply to 235151.11
Date: 1/26/2013 5:35:47 PM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Skill drops to age must be similar to enthusiasm drops: higher you are, faster you fall.

But whether you fall or not is completely random on any given week? & It's clear that players aren't constantly losing a set % of their skills each week.

Anyway, the real question I had is if Career Extension is a waste. Anecdotally it appears to do little if anything. The Fitness & Massage specialties at least seem to make a tangible difference each week.

(some people without career extension get better results than with career extension. While it's doubtful that anyone without fitness or massage gets better results than anyone with fitness or massage.)

From: w_alloy

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235151.14 in reply to 235151.1
Date: 1/26/2013 5:55:47 PM
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With career extension I've had a 36yo with 5 skill drops in two weeks. Same two weeks period I had 4 drops on 3 players 33, 33, and 34 for 9 drops across 4 players in 2 weeks.

I still think career extension works. If the affect is even as high as like 20% it would still be almost indistinguishable from not having it to most people because of variance and flawed human perception.

From: shikago

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235151.15 in reply to 235151.14
Date: 1/26/2013 9:59:50 PM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Perhaps. But with drops being random, it's difficult to estimate how often it triggers. (20% seems way too high IMO).

Even assuming a 10-20% chance... it's entirely possible to never benefit once over an entire season! While you're at least guaranteed something with the other trainer specialty.

From: BarryS
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235151.16 in reply to 235151.14
Date: 1/26/2013 10:09:16 PM
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i had a player last season within 1 month he had a double drop in skill in 2 areas, he was 34 ,i had a career extention trainer.
my trainer was dismissed because the trainer failed, it's all random here, i went to a message trainer, quite satisfied with this. but i'm the shleprock here not this guy.
when you have 6 of your top 8 players injured at the same time at the worst possible time of the season........ you can have my title

Last edited by BarryS at 1/26/2013 10:11:00 PM

From: malice

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235151.18 in reply to 235151.3
Date: 1/27/2013 1:48:20 AM
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I kinda disagree that there's "zero consistent effect" with Taping Injuries...
Again, with this type of specialty it's very difficult to have any kind of accurate or quantifiable measure, but suffice to say I'm very happy to have a TI guy on my staff.

Last edited by malice at 1/27/2013 1:50:05 AM - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
From: Knecht
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235151.20 in reply to 235151.19
Date: 1/27/2013 11:09:36 AM
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hidden attribute any1?

or bad luck maybe. Imo you can't complain about old players declining, one day father time has to catch them anyway.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: shikago

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235151.21 in reply to 235151.18
Date: 1/27/2013 5:55:02 PM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
I kinda disagree that there's "zero consistent effect" with Taping Injuries...
Again, with this type of specialty it's very difficult to have any kind of accurate or quantifiable measure, but suffice to say I'm very happy to have a TI guy on my staff.

In a must win game, TI is obviously nice to have. But it either works or it doesn't. (And it usually doesn't). Most weeks you get no benefit from having it. That's what I meant by consistent.

At least you can actually see when TI is effective. (when a player reenters the game). With career extension all you see is it not working!

This Post:
235151.22 in reply to 235151.19
Date: 1/27/2013 5:56:00 PM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Good point. It's probably worth it in your case. (I still hate not being able to see when it works though)
