Mixed Predictions?
Schedules has been made now for the coming semifinals. And the JOSE RIZAL CUP has been making a buzz already among the airwaves.
9 radio stations, 11 TV shows, and hundreds of web logs and websites all over the country are giving their two cents worth, all about predicting on who will winn the upcoming games...
The schedule are as follows:
Consolation bracket (5th to 8th):
QUEENS COST vs. Ateneo Jologs
And a couple of articles and views are quite notable... among them, is the predictions of radio station 105.9
"Out of all the teams, JUBAS and Polydozel are the sure fire favorites for this RIZAL Cup finals. They are the only teams who cruised their way into the semi finals... too bad they weren't the ones battling for the cup finals. So I think that they would be taking the finals in a 'ho-hum' victory."
The Peep show, in Jack TV also predicted the outcome of the coming finals.
"ROBINS and team Polydozel are the teams that I think will go through the finals. I love the RED ROBINS, and team Polydozel is really tearing up the league. And I love Nolie Corneja, He kinda looks like 'my' Antonio Banderas." says Dylan, Peep show host.
however, the internet web logs are taking these games as a serious matter.
"The cup is history in the making, all of the firsts; the first shot, the first underdog, the first winner of the cup, all we be time lined and will be easily notable... because the cup itself is the first of it's kind, and with the buzz that it's creating, all the other teams who didn't make the cut will be frustrated that they didn't make it to qualify... well, until then, they will have to wait for the 2nd cup. Luckily, my PILIPINAS NATIONALS came through and I have a good feeling that they will reach the finals, provided that they will play just like playing with TGIF MANILA." taken from PNFan.com
"It's a sad day today. The judgment day has come, Jologs' and ROBINS' cup run will be decided, and the ROBINS came through. If they can beat Ateneo jologs, they can beat anyone. this is a sure cup winner." oneluckysportsfan.com stated that interesting prediction.
Any of the four teams will be righteous to get that finals spot, and JOSE RIZAL CUP couldn't be more happier. After these turn of events, and the support of the people, we are sure that there would be another cup running, and all would be anticipating this one.