Example: Hey! Look at my awesome player! How much do you think he is worth? (not allowed)
What possible rationale is there for prohibiting this?
Well, like LA-Manon pointed out, I'm not qualified to give an answer on this. Having said that, put it in the "imagine if everyone did that" category. Imagine if everyone wanted their own front page thread to hype their players, and another front page thread to announce their players were up for sale. Of course, not everyone would do it. But how many would really need to before the forums became essentially a morass of unnavigable* spam?
*Is unnavigable a word? I need it to be a word.
edit: I guess I should point out that the rule that was quoted only prohibits
asking for player valuations, we are still free to
offer them, as long as they are unsolicited. The rule really seems designed to preemt spam or unfair/innapropriate advertising practices, not stifle advice when appropriate or conversation in general.
Last edited by Harold Miner at 11/10/2015 1:40:10 AM