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Season 37

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From: BPI

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283673.12 in reply to 283673.11
Date: 1/21/2017 7:31:53 PM
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Robbiemen will clear $10M in the bank after tonight's home game. Make it rain!

From: Penumbra

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283673.13 in reply to 283673.12
Date: 1/23/2017 5:46:07 PM
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Congrats on the bankroll. Are you saving up for a nice draft pick or an experienced veteran?

From: BPI

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283673.14 in reply to 283673.13
Date: 1/27/2017 10:06:07 AM
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I'm not going to radically alter my strategy at this point. I'm going to keep trying to find solid young players via the draft, at least until we see what their upcoming tweaks will be. At some future point, I'll assemble a solid team of under-23 players and try to make my next big push through the ranks.

Last edited by BPI at 1/27/2017 10:06:31 AM

From: Penumbra

This Post:
283673.15 in reply to 283673.14
Date: 2/4/2017 9:33:08 PM
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You are right, I can't see myself making a push ahead until I'm confident I can support their salaries and have everyone under 30 for sustainability.
I'm still trying to push my attendance up until I can average $150k in revenue per home game. I'm averaging about $120k right now which puts me around -$20k/week.
Do you know any techniques for growing attendance? My arena has only hit 80% capacity and I'm afraid of losing revenue by raising or lowering ticket prices.

From: BPI

This Post:
283673.16 in reply to 283673.15
Date: 2/6/2017 9:53:04 AM
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The better the seats, the more loyal the fans. Also, keep in mind that attendance will always be a % representation, so the bigger the arena, the more A.I.S. (rears in seats) you'll get, even with smaller %. For example, my arena is roughly twice the size of yours, and I've only drawn under 12K one time in the last 10 games. My prices are the absolute minimum, and my smallest take at the gate recently has been $104K.

Looking at your arena, I would max out your courtside seats to 500 capacity and even just cutting the prices halfway between $50 and your current $97, you should see a significant boost and max out that seat range. With your luxury boxes, you'd probably boost to 10 or more every game by cutting your prices to $800-850...your take then is $8000-8500 instead of under $6K.

The next two sections of seating are much more volatile and directly related to your teams performance game-by-game. Even with the bare minimum price tag, since I'm not aggressively trying to win, I rarely fill more than 1/3 of the lower tier, and half the bleachers. But because of the larger arena, the smaller % still have a significant impact.

I don't think I ever had my courtside seats anywhere near $97, even when I was in DIII. As a general rule of thumb, when you are relegated, the advice is to slash your ticket prices at least in half.

From: Penumbra

This Post:
283673.17 in reply to 283673.16
Date: 2/7/2017 4:17:56 PM
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Thank you! I will implement your advice once my current construction has been finished. And I have not yet been relegated. My team's inception was in IV20 and I have barely been hanging on by winning all of my relegation games when I first started and I have been sitting at #4/5 since.
Fortunately I have played this game before which is why I haven't relegated, but those old accounts were lost because I didn't log in enough so I lost progress.

From: BPI

This Post:
283673.18 in reply to 283673.17
Date: 2/14/2017 9:43:10 AM
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Tomandao in just his second season is already over halfway to the franchise record for 3 pt FG...(88 against 175)

From: Penumbra

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283673.19 in reply to 283673.18
Date: 3/5/2017 8:24:19 PM
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For the first time in 3 seasons I found a draftee with 5 ball potential. Now we'll see if I get lucky enough to draft him. I only found one other player with 4 ball potential and too many with 2 or 3.
I will be surprised if I get a draftee with a potential of perennial all-star or above. I haven't drafted anyone above all-star in the last 4 seasons and their starting salary was below 3k.

From: BPI

This Post:
283673.20 in reply to 283673.19
Date: 3/8/2017 12:25:24 PM
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I'm not going to disclose too much information here or my methods, but I no longer go by star rating or potential in the draft, and go solely on overall skill points.

This league has had several down draft years and will make up for it this year. I am unable to speak toward potential, but there are a healthy number of players that have starting overall skill points 55 or greater, with 2 having 54.

Last year, there were only 3 with 54 points or greater, with a 62 and 58. The S35 class had only 5 players with 54 or more at 57, 56, and 3 right at 54. S35 had 12 players with 50 or more skill points, S36 had 9.