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Elections - A Call To Arms

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From: Ponyz
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29748.12 in reply to 29748.1
Date: 4/21/2012 5:07:30 PM
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I was thinking of running for a NT or U21 coaching spot...not sure which though. I was thinking Pakistan U21...but not completely decided. Any thoughts?

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29748.15 in reply to 29748.14
Date: 4/21/2012 6:08:12 PM
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The thread does bring up a good point though, elections need more activity! I want to see some exciting races this season!

(except for in England)

From: Ponyz
This Post:
29748.17 in reply to 29748.15
Date: 4/22/2012 1:39:25 PM
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If you dont think it'd be worth running. I will reconsider my options. I was just thinking of running for an easy-win spot, just to start off somewhere...and build myself up. Just get a feel for being a NT coach. Why Poland U21? Is that winnable?

Last edited by GM-Perpete at 4/22/2012 1:46:57 PM

This Post:
29748.18 in reply to 29748.13
Date: 4/22/2012 1:40:03 PM
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Maybe, I will. Why Poland u21? Is it winnable?

This Post:
29748.20 in reply to 29748.18
Date: 4/22/2012 4:02:10 PM
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Maybe, I will. Why Poland u21? Is it winnable?

Priceless for real... go run for a U21 just because it's winnable... man, you made my day xD

From: Hopson

This Post:
29748.22 in reply to 29748.2
Date: 4/24/2012 1:30:25 AM
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Are you not trusting Coco? He puts CO in COmpetitive. He is the COlonel of Team USA. He COntrols Our fate of the next few seasons of team USA. And he IS spicing team USA up. Not much losses in the past few seasons, Thanks COCO!
