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Increase ceiling for 18 year old starting skills

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From: atsii

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311495.12 in reply to 311495.8
Date: 8/29/2021 11:45:02 AM
Espoo Seals
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Espoo Seal Pups
There are sublevels in skills for rookies. 7 can be 7.00 or 7.99. it can only be known after several training sessions. this means theoretically an 18 year old can have 79.999 (I'd add more decimals as it was revealed it goes on). So basically 80.

as for a 19 year old after this change, with proficient skills, that's min 9.00 and will be at 9.999. so the perfect guy will be something close to 100

Edit: I often see them at the start of every draft. A lot. Every season. We're still not counting those not sold immediately.

Again, I don't want to argue with anybody just talking about tsp. Tsp is =\= value of training. You have to understand that. We can skip theorizing where elastics come into play if we just go to final build and see the difference.

Yes exactly how you said it, there is sublevels but the difference between 18yo and 19yo stays the same, max 20sp. That is more or less the amount you get from a season of training. Personally I have never seen a 18yo player who has 10 times 7 as their starting skill nor 19yo with 10 times 8 as their starting skill.

In Finland alone, there has been ONE 18yo with potential 6 or more who has had over 61sp. And he had only 63. So every 10 season we get one player who is far from perfect starting skills. Maybe we are just unlucky in Finland but I doubt other countries get many perfect 70sp with 10 times 7 as their starting skills - and them being all perfect 7.99 in every skill is probably the most unlikely event in the history of mankind.

From: atsii

This Post:
311495.16 in reply to 311495.14
Date: 8/29/2021 2:08:44 PM
Espoo Seals
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Espoo Seal Pups
I'm not saying it's the same thing to have player with 10 times 9 all around the board and to have 90sp who has been trained for one season with 1on1. I'm saying that it's about as close to equal we are going to get.

And on average 18yo players will still be better. 18yo skills can be in between 10.0 and 79.9 (average 45sp) while 19yo skills can be between 10.0 and 99.99 (average 55sp). The average difference of 10sp is easily surpassed with any kind of training.

I would bet that U21 national teams will mostly consist from players that have been drafted as 18yo, though 19yo have a better chance now too, which will further improve the chances of smaller countries to get decent teams thus making the scene more competitive.

So sorry, not seeing any reason to boost 18yo draftees.

This Post:
311495.17 in reply to 311495.14
Date: 8/29/2021 4:29:41 PM
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Vilkiukai II
Wow, you have so much patience explaining, where it is no point at all.

Everyone with little bit of logic in the brain agrees with you, sadly all of them quited the forums because of endless pointless discussions, where everyone knows "better"

I am little bit concerned that average 19 yo might be even better than 18 yo...We had average 52-53 tsp 18 yo last few seasons, didnt counted 19 yo, probably ~60 average, if it would be between 52 and like 65 now or even 72, 65 in most cases at 19yo would be better because of secondaries and main, hard to train skills.

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 8/29/2021 4:32:36 PM

This Post:
311495.19 in reply to 311495.17
Date: 8/29/2021 7:01:30 PM
BC Vitosha Sofia
A Grupa
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Sofia Alpha Dogz
Everyone with little bit of logic in the brain agrees with you
Wow, really?

Guess those back-to-back U21 WC and B3 titles were just a fluke, no logic involved there.

And those poor, brainless BBs... What have they done...

BBB: 2 (S37 S38); Top tier: 7 (S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S41 S63); Cup: 9 (S25 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S61)
This Post:
311495.20 in reply to 311495.1
Date: 8/29/2021 9:53:29 PM
Manila Bombers
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I welcome the change since the current situation favors 18 year olds.

1. In the drafts in my league I don't see anyone ranking 70 TSP 19 year olds over 60 TSP 18 year olds with everything else equal.

2. Majority (80+%) of 150+ TSP players I see were drafted as 18 year olds. This goes to 100% for 160 TSP players.

3. China NT only has 1 out of 17 players drafted as 19 year old.

But I get your point that the change done should not be too drastic. I believe that even with the new changes, we won't see 100 TSP 19 year olds. Otherwise, I would draft them over 18 year olds too :)

From: Kritulys

This Post:
311495.21 in reply to 311495.20
Date: 8/30/2021 3:16:56 AM
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Kritulio Urėdija
I second your opinion. Since the changes where 19yo's started having skills of 8, we've only seen a single player with 78+ tsp being drafted. I can only recall that he was canadian and subMVP potential. So I really don't understand the commotion here.

And it's crazy to me that we've been taking an example of a player with all skills being 9.999. Of course he's going to be better than the 18yolds. Player with all 8.999 is also going to be better than 18yolds in the long run. But come on? What are the odds of that happening?

100% there are different weights to roll certain skills, or they have different floor/ceilings according to draftee statlines. It's protected from being overpowered.

(49554111). Here's an abnormality. Most of the time we don't see such quality 19y olds, and lets make his 8's to 9's.
Now we have him and a 18yo that hit the same lottery with the 7's and that's been trained with a 6/6 1x1 for a whole season(+16tsp):

9/9 9/7
9/9 7/12
5/9 12/7
6/5 8/5
6/5 6/5

with the TSP of 72 vs 78. And guess what? In general, they're the exact same thing time-wise. Which was the whole purpose of this change. To simply balance out stuff.

Last edited by Kritulys at 8/30/2021 3:31:43 AM
