I got a 64 TSP MVP (9) and a 67 TSP P-AS (7).
I assume each of the 5 Stars is a Range of 2. So like 5 Stars, and the 1 Star and 5 Star take the outside.
So I assume 1 Star is Announcer/Bench Warmer/Role Player (0, 1, 2), 2 Star is 6th Man/Starter (3, 4), 3 Star is Star/All-Star (5, 6), 4 Star is Perennial Allstar/Superstar (7, 8), and 5 Star is MVP/HoF/ATG (9, 10 and 11).
So that means I hit a 5 Start and a 4 Star Potential. These guys are both now the Best TSP on my Team, so I'm assuming that means 5 Star. So a 5/5 and a 5/4, it seems.
Which, for a Play Off Pick is great for me. Super happy with it. Both are Big Men but they already come with some Passing and one with Handling, which is a little important to me for my Fast Break Offense.
Had a 3rd Rookie, but he was trash all around so gone.
I think I've decided on a 15 Man Roster, and to ensure every Week I get 10 guys their 48 (Just have them be the only 5 on Game Day), and then the 3rd Game each Week will be Squad 3, or anyone that missed their 48 due to Injury/Foul Outs.
Going full Training Mode while working Stadium Expansions all Season. Get my Economy up, and not worry about the Draft (40K a Week into Stadium right there) now that I've got a full squad of Youth.