I knew someone will reply like this. I just tried to avoid a long comment. Obvisoulsy I shouldn't. So -
I'm not complaining that they didn't pop. I'm not even suggesting their is a bug or something. However there is also a possibility.
1)I wanted to know how it could be checked. It's nice to see everything went right. Not that I think it didn't.
2)Normally you can check it through DMI. Since draftees starts with 0 DMI and would adjust anyway it can't be used in this case.
3)Errors or bugs can be different in different situations. Pop of a draftee indicates it worked for that draftee. Nothing more. It is probable, actually very probable that it works for everybody. But bugs, mistakes errors are unexpected by their nature. Bugs can happen to whole BB, to a division , country or to unrelated mix of members because of sharing a problematic line in scripts. So at the end it proves nothing. And again, I'm not suggesting something is wrong, of course I would prefered pops but it is only matter of time. Please put this aside this is irrelevant - I just wanted to know if there is a way how to chekc it, any formula, anything. I'm asking BBs not you and I'm asking on forum because the answer could be good to know for others too.
Now go and try to make a dumb crybaby from someone else, jeez.