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Draft Order

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From: LpunktElend

To: shm
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72215.12 in reply to 72215.11
Date: 2/9/2009 6:47:27 AM
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.and i don't think the age criteria is necessary because on year is not a big difference 18 or 19,

I think its a big differnce, a 19 year old drafted player in a Country with many users, don't have a chance to get in National Team and that makes it a big difference ;)

This Post:
72215.13 in reply to 72215.10
Date: 2/9/2009 10:10:35 AM
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Why do you consider grade as more important than potential?

Surely takes a couple of seasons to reach the potential even for the least potential players but when you sell these players you will also get much less money. Your new draftees are most likely not good enough for a starting position even with a high grade so it is not tempting for me in that sense either to draft low potential players.

What are your thinkings?

There is big different between 19yrs. old 3stars with higher potential and 18yrs. old 5 stars with mediocre potential. Assuming the same height and similar balance of skillset the first one will have a hard time to catch up the latter one. Of course we should distinguish drafting for training and drafting for selling.

That's surely not true. Excluding low stars players and team training. in some cases you can reach potential within one season I think.

This Post:
72215.14 in reply to 72215.8
Date: 2/9/2009 10:12:38 AM
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If you are a good team in an upper division, the draft will not help you much. That said, I would draft players based on 1) position you train 2) grade 3) potential 4) game stats.

Like almost everything else in this game, the draft is not a gimme. You must weigh your options, make decisions, and account for a bit of randomness/luck.

You don't have to do anything.

You are drafting purely for training, aren't you? I wouldn't choose position over grade (or grade and potential) often. I would add age to criterias.

From: docend24

To: shm
This Post:
72215.15 in reply to 72215.11
Date: 2/9/2009 10:14:54 AM
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Try bugs forum then if you think something is wrong.

From: Rashmon
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72215.16 in reply to 72215.15
Date: 2/9/2009 10:30:52 AM
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My primary problem with the scouting/draft is that I paid my scouts a lot of money to scout several lousy players. Twice.

Here's the conversation:

Scout 1: "Was that guy a D+ or an F?"

Scout 2: "I don't know, let's scout him again."

Scout 1: "Wow, he was actually an F-, good thing we came back. The GM can now move these guys to the bottom of the list."

This Post:
72215.17 in reply to 72215.16
Date: 2/9/2009 10:53:41 AM
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Local talent first! It is much easier than go to the other coast - oh - no worries, he will understand.

I think it has to be this way, otherwise we could see all directly there wouldn't ba much a difference.

This Post:
72215.18 in reply to 72215.11
Date: 2/9/2009 10:58:24 AM
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and i don't think the age criteria is necessary because on year is not a big difference 18 or 19, it should give us the player skills like is he mediocre jump range, strong handling, average rebounding etc..

Age is a huge difference, and will stay.

Also, under this system skills will NEVER be displayed, to prevent collusion amongst managers in the same league who could figure out who the players are via their skills beforehand.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
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This Post:
72215.19 in reply to 72215.18
Date: 2/9/2009 11:54:23 AM
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Remeber when Portland drafted Sam Bowie? I'll bet they had Bowie as a 5-star, A, 5-star if we used BB scouting system. We all know how that turned out. Someone pretty good was selected after Bowie, and portland passed on him for Bowie. Just cant remember the name of the guy they passed on.......


This Post:
72215.20 in reply to 72215.19
Date: 2/9/2009 12:08:28 PM
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Sorry, for those too young to remember, it was Micheal Jordan.

My point is that having scouting reports be vague is more realistic than difinitive knowledge, imo.

I would like to add that the scouting costs seem a bit unrealistic with the expounding price per scout. It is much more expensive to hire the first scout, as you must then set up a scouting apparatus (office, secretary, budget, etc) than it is to add another to an allready exsisting system. Here we pay 5k to start the whole thing rolling, but +20k to add a 4th desk and pager to an exsisting 3. This is probably done for playability reasons, which I am fine with. Just talking realism.

This Post:
72215.21 in reply to 72215.20
Date: 2/9/2009 12:49:15 PM
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There should be a definitive advantage to spending 40k a week.

I stopped spending all that money for the same reason as the other poster, why in sweet Rose's pie would you ever want to do a follow up on a D or F player when there are still players you haven't scouted yet?

I think if you spend 40k a week every week(88 reports?) you should get to pick:

whether you want to scout everyone once and the rest (40) roll over randomly,

or always scout 3-star and above(that you find) twice, but not everyone once.

Something along those lines. 40k a week is a lot for newer teams and the draft is waaay more important for newer teams as well. I "feel" that 40k a week is a waste of money.

This Post:
72215.22 in reply to 72215.21
Date: 2/9/2009 1:00:36 PM
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I spent $40K/week and managed to scout every player.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live