So as I take one last chance to Wave good bye, there are several things I ponder.
If it hadn't been for a colossal brain fart on a holiday weekend, I would not have been in this situation,
OTOH, as a team that was dismissed as a "one and done" at the outset, I don't feel so bad that I fell short. It took a miraculous turn of events for me to lose both games, so it wasn't like I was way out of my league. And the fact that I upgraded my team and my stadium while maintaining the same bank account tells me I'm in a good spot.
Furthermore, I've identified a prime prospect. Whether I get it or not is up to the RNG Gods.
I'm a little bitter at how it played out. But overall I can't be too disappointed, Just kinda ticks me off that 2 seasons in a row I got smacked by playing PN. Next season, we seek and destroy,
Long life and good fortune to you. May we meet in battle and you shed bitter tears.