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BB France > Projet Tutorat

Projet Tutorat (thread closed)

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From: Slice971

This Post:
82169.122 in reply to 82169.121
Date: 6/8/2009 5:28:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bonsoir à tous
Je suis nouveau et je souhaiterais aussi avoir un tuteur et j'accepterai bien un peu d' vous avez quelqu'un pour moi??
Merci à tous ceux qui ce porte volontaire pour aider des nouveau comme moi je tiens a vous remerciez pour votre gentillesse.
Bonne soirée à tous

This Post:
82169.123 in reply to 82169.122
Date: 6/9/2009 2:40:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
A partir de quand cela prend effet?

This Post:
82169.124 in reply to 82169.123
Date: 6/9/2009 3:10:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Dés qu'un volontaire de la liste voit ton message. Nous sommes une petite communauté, en plus tu as posté hier soir, il est donc normal qu'il n'y ait pas eu de réaction.

From: Jeff85

This Post:
82169.125 in reply to 82169.123
Date: 6/9/2009 3:51:10 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Allez Slice c'est parti je te recontactes ce midi...

From: Jeff85

This Post:
82169.126 in reply to 82169.121
Date: 6/9/2009 3:52:22 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
BoO_BoO (27360) (Cavachauffer (35271))
- Bourrin (35919)
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280)
- mbaps (87557)
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (le_tweety (84872) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )
- Jeff85 (35501) (Slice 971 (35333))

Last edited by Jeff85 at 6/9/2009 3:52:49 AM

From: Mr mike
This Post:
82169.127 in reply to 82169.126
Date: 6/9/2009 6:14:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
bonjour à tous , je suis nouveau sur le jeu et j'ai entendu parler que l'on pouvait avoir un tuteur pour nous aider..
je suis fortement interressé, merci de me contacter.

cordialement, mike

From: Manu_B

This Post:
82169.128 in reply to 82169.126
Date: 6/9/2009 6:51:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
BoO_BoO (27360) (Cavachauffer (35271))
- Bourrin (35919)
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557)
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (le_tweety (84872) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )
- Jeff85 (35501) (Slice 971 (35333))

From: mbaps

This Post:
82169.129 in reply to 82169.128
Date: 6/9/2009 8:23:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
CA thibérien
-BoO_BoO (27360) (Cavachauffer (35271))
- Bourrin (35919)
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (le_tweety (84872) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )
- Jeff85 (35501) (Slice 971 (35333))

From: zisvan

This Post:
82169.130 in reply to 82169.127
Date: 6/9/2009 10:14:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bienvenue à toi mike [:)]

Quelqu'un va rapidement te prendre en charge, on a encore quelques tuteurs de libres [;)]

From: OoB

This Post:
82169.131 in reply to 82169.130
Date: 6/9/2009 10:33:45 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mbaps a déjà proposé ses services ^^

This Post:
82169.132 in reply to 82169.131
Date: 6/9/2009 2:23:59 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bon allez, je m'ajoute a la liste des tuteurs :)

-BoO_BoO (27360) (Cavachauffer (35271))
- Bourrin (35919)
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (le_tweety (84872) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )
- Jeff85 (35501) (Slice 971 (35333))
- KingOfKing (27479)
