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Ask the BBs - Season 22 Feedback topic (thread closed)

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From: Stajan

This Post:
232173.123 in reply to 232173.105
Date: 2/17/2013 1:39:25 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The SB issue seems like the most important topic. We are planning on making some changes in the GE next season, hopefully to be implemented after the AllStar break. The changes should affect the LI domination as well as the SB issue. I cannot give you more details but I believe it will be officially announced in the next seasons' newspost. It's not 100% yet (well, at least the time of the change isn't), therefore it's not announced in a newspost at this time.

This is wonderful and all, but please do not go overboard with it. Yes, that's a question.

From: brian

This Post:
232173.127 in reply to 232173.125
Date: 2/17/2013 8:42:28 PM
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I wonder if/when they will accept that outside shooting has been completely gimped?

Im not convinced that it is. There's not a lot of successful outside teams, but SilverBacks in the NBBA has regularly one of the top teams. Now imagine if there were market options with bigs to match the pieces he has outside? You dont see a lot of bigs with the skills to be successful playing outside (high js/jr, tons of ID/REB, low IS). IOW, the potential for outside teams doesnt appear to have been tapped yet.

I'm more interested in analysis of why LI is preferred over LP, why are the neutral offenses seemingly ignored and ineffective. Is it a training or GE issue?

My concern is suddenly SB needs to be addressed when its been declared fine by the people that wrote the GE for 22 seasons. It just seems a bit reactive, when all along it was deemed a training issue.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: brian

This Post:
232173.130 in reply to 232173.129
Date: 2/18/2013 8:53:19 AM
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Seems strange to go for an expensive inside player that is jacked up on a lot of IS when your only playing outside.

It wouldn't be challenging to build a player like this:

10 7 5 5 5 10 - 8 17 17 11

That could be done with superstar potential and finished by 26yo, and 70k, assuming the important skills (JS, JR, PA, ID, RB) were decent (~5) and lowish IS to start. Higher potential and better starting skills and that could be improved on, particularly the JS, ID and REB.

Imagine if a great team like Silverbacks could pull a player that from TL as easily as finding LI players.

Last edited by brian at 2/18/2013 8:59:10 AM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Isaiah
This Post:
232173.132 in reply to 232173.131
Date: 2/18/2013 7:26:49 PM
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Second Team:
Smallfries II
Yea, I have been playing Buzzerbeater for 10 seasons now and there is only one thing that really makes things difficult in the game and that has to do with the salaries of players. Now, this may just be from every team not making enough money, or because the cost of skills is off. I think the problem doesn't have to do with the GE as much as the fact that people will not train some JR and SB because of their costs. But at the same time, would players with jacked up JR and SB but worse in other skills be worth it?

I want to know if there has been any thoughts in recalculating the cost of JR and SB per pop? Also to go along with that, since each pop is so expensive of each do they really carry their value?

I know guys with high JR usually end with better game ratings so if you have a guy with very high JR but low driving and lower passing, will this player be worth it since you could actually keep his salary down that way?

This Post:
232173.133 in reply to 232173.132
Date: 2/19/2013 7:22:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Everyone, again I apologize if I skip a question/issue that was mentioned, but I'll try to answer at least some of them.

In regards the offseason changes, I must stress (like Charles did in his time) that the short term offseason income is only a part of the picture. The top league winners get to compete in B3, and get a minimum of 8 games to earn more possible income from. Also, the effect on team fans is something that affects the team income in the long run and while it's not exactly readily visible to managers, it affects team economy and we have to take it into account when balancing the economy. All that being said, the game economy is an ever changing thing and we try to keep up. This also means that the current solution may not be perfect but we're trying to get as close as we can. I believe the changes won't stop here and that we'll modify the offseason income even more next season.

A mobile version of the site without a matchviewer doesn't help much, it would just help mobile users that have limits on their data plans and users with older cellphones. Smartphone users can already browse normal sites very easily and internet access (as well as bandwidth) is becoming cheaper and cheaper every day. The trend is that this will become an even smaller issue in the future therefore it would be foolish to devote resources to such a project which could then be deemed almost unnecessary once done. A matchviewer coded in something other than Flash is what's the most preferred solution, as I see it, but as I've already explained, it's not very likely in the short term, but we'll definitely try to find a way in the long run. A BBAPI based solution is something to think about too.

Currently, we're not planning on any changes in the salary formula, but after we implement the Shot Blocking/Look Inside changes, we'll re-evaluate the situation and one of the likely next steps could be a change in it (of course, regarding Shot Blocking and maybe even Jump Range).

That's all for now, good luck in the playoffs everyone!
