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Season 42 Y'all

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293541.125 in reply to 293541.124
Date: 6/2/2018 7:58:35 AM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
That suxs you had to throw the game. I never made it pass allstar break to tell you myself.

This Post:
293541.126 in reply to 293541.125
Date: 6/2/2018 10:15:59 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I made the final 16 once, but like most of my accomplishments it was a while ago...

This Post:
293541.127 in reply to 293541.126
Date: 6/3/2018 11:12:45 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Ahhh, your hallowed days of antiquity. Deronimo fans are some old farmers dressed in overalls whittling in rocking chairs in front of a pot bellied stove in some little general store on some winding backwoods road. Generals fans btw will have to go up that way to pick up some shine for the tailgate party because poor old Cletus got popped at the last home date.

Last night our traveling band of misfits and miscreants made their way to 2 for what management knew would be a difficult task. Over the seasons I have noticed my fellas tend to nurse a post cup hangover, last night was no exception. The boys came out flat as a pancake....ney more like a crepe.

Fell down by 17, stayed in double digits until just before half but got to the psychological hurdle as it went to intermission. Trimmed it to five after three, then spurted to a six point lead midway thru the final period.

But the worm turned again and 2 got up by 3. In a contest that seemed chippy and contentious throughout I believe Skinner slipped down the lane for a little runner with around half a minute to go to give the generals a lead. A stop on the other end and one charity shot set the stage for our final controversy. A miss by Hamlin gives Bennett a tip in for the tie.....but out of nowhere here comes the heartbeat of the Generals Alfred "The Butler" Webb who aside from cleaning glass had been having a really bad evening on offense but who was doing his job on defense(no points,16 boards, couple blocks, couple steals).

In a perfect confluence Webb just absolutely plows the guy affecting the follow-up just enough for the ball to bound away as the refs whistle blows and the arena horn sounds and that red light flashes. Absolute pandemonium in the stands, as Bennett makes that lonely trek to the stripe as he sits there a man alone.

The arena falls silent except for a section in the upper bowels where you hear whistling, and banging and general commotion. But as he is handed the ball the silence is deafening. Three dribbles, release "long" comes from a fan as it heads towards the bucket, kicks the back iron and falls to the left. Bennett goes "damn" as his head jerks backward in disbelief that. A audible groan, suddenly down near the Generals bench comes the contents of the arena concession stand. Almost as quickly come the men in yellow event staff shirts along with a cadre of cops. With astonishing speed the team is assembled, surrounded and told by the head of security "run" as Bennett drops the final FT for the one point margin, which by the way made the bookies a boatload as this game was a "2pick" meaning you take one side or the other but have to give two points which means in that sort of setup you cant bet the underdog. My dad made book on the side in football that turned into a 3 pick, back before OT in college football ties of course would occur. One time UNC was playing UVA and settled for a chipshot for a tie instead of going for it on the final play inside the five. As the kicker comes out the old man grins ear to ear. Afterwards I am asking why he was so happy about it, " because it just win me about three grand"

But I digress. Last night was a perfect example of whys it's sometimes better to be lucky than good

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/3/2018 7:55:36 PM

This Post:
293541.128 in reply to 293541.127
Date: 6/5/2018 11:45:00 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
A opening montage of slow motion fist bumps, high fives and coaches communicating with their charges.


Announcer: it's been said d.III is BB prison. Well as we prepare for the conclusion of another one sided edition of intersectional play the contenders and pretenders will battle it out on the Slaughterhouse cell block to see whom can finally be set free. While others look at the spectre of being exiled to the gulag of d4.

Deronimo seeks to keep pace with the Lions as 2 comes to town seeking to avoid a deeper drop into the relegation zone.

Quake looks to maintain their recent increase in quality of play against a sharks squad pretty much slotted into the six hole.

The Pistons seek to churn one step closer to the playoffs as the winners may well already need to be looking at cleaning out their desk.

In our feature offering The bunnies will try to keep contact with the upper echelon as the bulls seek to perhaps pull off a surprise to better secure their shot at salvaging survival.

Masters will have to brave the homestanding Stormz in their efforts to stay with the kitties in club red. Stormz needs this one just to keep contact with the logjam in the blues.

Despite being under .500 the Mavs are well in position for the postseason but a trip to the NoCo is usually not the way to bolster the win count, especially this season.

The blizzards are trying to hang onto the final slot in club red while sparty is once again needing to find a way out of the cellar.

And lastly, the generals season of living dangerously continues as club red head kitties come scratching at their door.

Stay tuned for Sybil Says this week sponsored by Miss Cleo. Also tonight in our pregame is another edition of the transfer ticker tonight sponsored by the Steve and Eydie Gorme all you can eat buffet and tribute floor show, show your ticket stub and get a free drink. As always never fear we got it all here as it's time once again for another edition of BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/5/2018 11:53:01 AM

This Post:
293541.129 in reply to 293541.128
Date: 6/5/2018 6:33:50 PM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
We can't seem to get any momentum going. Hopefully when the slaughter that is the blue side is over, we can get some momentum moving forward.

From: Coach Law

To: Goat
This Post:
293541.130 in reply to 293541.129
Date: 6/5/2018 10:12:31 PM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
Not that I had a chance in this world but 1-16 vs 15-32 Game Over. And those two 1st half buzzer beaters that would of made Stephen Curry gasp. One was so far on my side of the court I thought I stole the ball and was going for a lay up. Geesh ... Good Game

This Post:
293541.131 in reply to 293541.130
Date: 6/6/2018 9:14:50 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
management was very happy about last night's declawing of the kitties.

And we did not have to CT the matter to make it happen. But the PA system did have some appropriate JB pumping out as the crowd filed out. .

This is both the most exciting and frustrating season in franchise history. Longest league winning streak in ten seasons, great cup run, and we finally cracked the hot 100. But we're also trapped in 3rd and might well not make any headway. Even if the Generals win out it would most likely all it would mean is a 2nd place finish. Ladson looks leathal and Deronimo is never to be trifled with. And stormz Pistons and bunnies ain't nothing to sneeze at. Hell even quake and Sparty can rear up on any given night and take a bite out of your ass. So it's a bumpy winding road ahead and there are deep cliffs to both sides but we're ready to take the journey.

This Post:
293541.132 in reply to 293541.131
Date: 6/8/2018 9:01:31 PM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
Since when does a Computer start buying players to help the team? Man I have to start reading these updates geesh...

From: Goat

This Post:
293541.133 in reply to 293541.132
Date: 6/9/2018 2:10:33 AM
Snow Blizzards
Overall Posts Rated:
3636 his status and compare it to an actual bot team.....very well played by Stormz.....we've discussed this before lol....

This Post:
293541.134 in reply to 293541.133
Date: 6/9/2018 3:14:12 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Your montage of slow motion images of various expressions and actions ensue per always as our announcer intones the upcoming slate of action.


Announcer: and now it's time for conference action to resume as much is left to be settled as the contest draw to a increasingly important few.

In club red it's become a two horse race as the kittens and Masters have pulled away from the pack.

The kitties play host to the scrimping to survive bulls

While the second place Masters have a potential preview of their first round playoff match as the blizzards are looking to gather momentum for the stretch drive.

2 seeks to hold serve at home and to stay in contention for the final while the sharks will look to spring a surprise and perhaps make a play at moving up the club red ladder.

While tonight our cameras focus in on the Mavs who are seeking to stick the winners one game closer to auto relegation while sustaining and perhaps improving their position.

While over in the big 8 the already hyper competitive chase might just see the plot thicken.

Stormz will seek to deal another death blow to sparty as the mighty one is perilously close to splitting the slaughterhouse scene.

Deronimo will try to keep pace in the title race against a quake club which has seen their position solidify in recent weeks and whom now will seek to serve as spoiler.

The young bunnies are coming along ahead of schedule and they actually go into tonight's game with the hosting generals holding a better point differential helped in big part by a solid win against the generals back on opening night. Do the generals hold home serve once again or is this the night the age and hard living low stamina lifestyle starts to fray the delicate fabric of the tapestry of their ten game winning streak?

Top sitting Ladson has been locking their glare all season on promotion honors. But don't look now as the Lions are going to be on full on upset alert against a Pistons club running on all cylinders who are looking to throw a wrench into the machine.

Stay tuned for the Edward Cayce Institute Sybil Says segment.
Also it's been a very busy week here in the league as the Terminex transfer ticker will reset all the exciting personnel developments. Plus tonight's point-counterpoint segment sponsored by Mountain Dew special "club red" will discuss the recent over branding of every aspect of league coverage. No need to nod off in your easy chair and snore, we will make sure to keep you up to date on the score along with so much more as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/9/2018 3:33:55 PM
