Your montage of slow motion images of various expressions and actions ensue per always as our announcer intones the upcoming slate of action.
Cue: and now it's time for conference action to resume as much is left to be settled as the contest draw to a increasingly important few.
In club red it's become a two horse race as the kittens and Masters have pulled away from the pack.
The kitties play host to the scrimping to survive bulls
While the second place Masters have a potential preview of their first round playoff match as the blizzards are looking to gather momentum for the stretch drive.
2 seeks to hold serve at home and to stay in contention for the final while the sharks will look to spring a surprise and perhaps make a play at moving up the club red ladder.
While tonight our cameras focus in on the Mavs who are seeking to stick the winners one game closer to auto relegation while sustaining and perhaps improving their position.
While over in the big 8 the already hyper competitive chase might just see the plot thicken.
Stormz will seek to deal another death blow to sparty as the mighty one is perilously close to splitting the slaughterhouse scene.
Deronimo will try to keep pace in the title race against a quake club which has seen their position solidify in recent weeks and whom now will seek to serve as spoiler.
The young bunnies are coming along ahead of schedule and they actually go into tonight's game with the hosting generals holding a better point differential helped in big part by a solid win against the generals back on opening night. Do the generals hold home serve once again or is this the night the age and hard living low stamina lifestyle starts to fray the delicate fabric of the tapestry of their ten game winning streak?
Top sitting Ladson has been locking their glare all season on promotion honors. But don't look now as the Lions are going to be on full on upset alert against a Pistons club running on all cylinders who are looking to throw a wrench into the machine.
Stay tuned for the Edward Cayce Institute Sybil Says segment.
Also it's been a very busy week here in the league as the Terminex transfer ticker will reset all the exciting personnel developments. Plus tonight's point-counterpoint segment sponsored by Mountain Dew special "club red" will discuss the recent over branding of every aspect of league coverage. No need to nod off in your easy chair and snore, we will make sure to keep you up to date on the score along with so much more as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/9/2018 3:33:55 PM