I think the attacks on Coco, or any high level player in this game is just ridiculous. Even if you think you can do a better overall job, attacking a guy that has won 3 consecutive NBBA Championships just screams ignorance, or at the very least self interests.
My take on the NT program (for what it's worth) is that it has nothing to do with tactics. Questioning Coco, or any player who has been in the NBBA or D2, and even many candidates in lower divisions is silly because clearly guys that have promoted and won games consistently in BB know about tactics, GS, enthusiasm etc.
99% of the time, we don't lose a game because of our tactical choices. Between ANY NT coach we have at the time, and the communities input regarding tactical choices, we are covered. The NT coach only as so much ability to operate when you factor in the limited amount of NT level caliber players, and the ones that have good enough GS to contribute.
Until we get to a point that we have enough quality owners training players that fit the tactics we want to run, we are always going to be a little short. The bigger issue is that US teams have a hard time to be able to afford this strategy....as Coco, Jfarb, and others have shown, you have had to all but sacrifice their own teams to be able to train and own NT players that can eventually give us the Gold we all desperately want. We no longer need a plan about tactics, or even stragegic choices. We need a plan for creating, training, and financially sustaining the level of players needed to excel at the tactics we need to play to not only matchup, but beat the top teams in the world.
Reading these threads reminds of what we see in the primary elections on TV right now...candidates that are supposed to on the same team, in the same party brutally trashing each other. We are Americans, we all want the NT to be highly successful....we should be able to present our ideas in a way that esteems the program, not tears it down, and divides the community.
At the end of the day, this is a game and should be fun! Go USA!!