sigh. just something we will have to put up with I guess... Just think of it as a new training update time but instead of by 1 hour due to day light saving or what ever, its 6 hours.
btw, yuck did BB pay to be their fan boy? how is starbuck even a comparison, you get a nicely serve coffee and have a good chat with your friend or free Wifi or chance to pick up hot chicks. BB = chance to see your virtual team lose due to random chances and frustrate yourself.
well. you dont get its not just the training time glitch but also all the game engine annoyances that have been since day 1 but never been fixed.
for people who have OCD like me
and used to anticipating training pops which is frankly the most exciting part of the whole game, it is brutal for the training time not to be up at its allocated time especially with the promise of fixing for nearly a month now with this coming week training on the horizon.
Last edited by SplitJ at 10/30/2011 8:43:23 AM