Sorry but I am a bit lazy to breakdown minute per-minute and player-per player to see specific match-up differences.
I will take your word for it that these lineups are exactly the same, althogh there are clearly minor differences.
My lineup is
exactly the same. His lineup changed a bit, he sold this guy
(19582898), who's not anything out of this world (OD 15, JS 15 JR 13 IS 8, if I remember correctly) and besides was in low respectable gameshape at that time; but he had these two players, who were injured in the playoff game
(30873192), and moreover, this one
(21260206) wasn't injured right from the start, like in the playoff game.
So, according to the game engine,
I am thinking that with uptempo tactics the random factor is much larger as well, especially for you as an outside shooting team...although looking at shooting %s between the two games I do not see as big a difference...
I think that's the key. The random factor being extremely high. I've tried to look for another reason but I couldn't, and thats THE ONLY GAME since I was given this team, where I failed to find a reasonable explanation. That's why I posted it here.
I'm not complaining about my % FG, it should've been better but it's plausible. I'm complaining about his crippled LI scoring me 100 points (btw my starting 5 had ID 6, 14, 12'5, 15, 16, that's something!).