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Why the dislike of Base Offence

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From: myToast
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187286.13 in reply to 187286.12
Date: 6/16/2011 1:00:23 AM
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the power of BO is that it has no preference focus or pace
and the team doesn't suffer from the disadvantage of a focus offense

No doubt, BO doesn't have the power of other offense, but its power lies in its balance,by absorbing the power of oppoent defense and counter it.

here is a game of mine, at 1st glace u see the 40% FG and thought the DEF did his work.

but i will say he can't stop my BO because I own the pace of the game.

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187286.14 in reply to 187286.12
Date: 6/16/2011 11:12:31 AM
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I was replying to :
with base offense you do not exploit your opponent's weaknesses.