Tanking probably occurs more i the NBA then in any other league in the world so i still see that as the main part here.
Not relevant as it does not prove something about the suggestion.
The reason of
some tanking on the NBA, where in the other leagues is almost non-existent is that their league is closed, and there is the "draft-thing".
Still, the amount are much minor than in this game.
I have also written in posts to you and others that i believe that tankers that do lose and forfeit games on purpose should be more punished then they are now.
OK. Relevance?
About the team that moves from lest say D II.4 to D II.3 after being beaten in the finals i still cant see how it should be more unfair in that example. And teams that do promote to the highest league will be of very different quality. Some will just end up losing every game due to being promoted from a lot worse league. If unlucky a team that follows the example i listed could be stuck in say D II for an extremely long time. And even though he got the team that probably would have given him the promotion he just got unlucky and has no chance of promotion the next season, and may even face the fear of demotion even though having a good team.
All leagues on each division (except the first division), will be with a fair chance to each team on them to promote, as the assets of all will be fairly close due to this suggestion.
You can't deny that each season a team is pilling more assets, and hence the longer you play the "better" you'll be (when comparing user with the same BB-managing skills).
A user who will face this wall will leave, in the end.
This is why this community just does not grow.
A user who struggle on a balanced division will stay much longer - the game is interesting when the matches are good.
This user will have a fair chance to promote and upon his skills as a BB-manager and not upon his "how much time are you in this game" "abilities", as currently is.
It is placed in the Fan Survey here: "The team manager is working hard to improve the team"(And before you start to jump at me about being a tanker or something like that i have to admit i have had 4-5 balls in that one for 3 seasons now and at the same time in the familiar with star players section.).
This part fluctuates a bit to fast if you dont do anything and does not strike as hard as it should if you wait a lot longer then that.
This is about the part you think is so wrong in this game. That teams are able to save up money. If you only save and dont spend this section in the fan survey will go down. It will however not affect your team that much, and you probably wont even notice anything about this being low.
This could strike harder if you really save for a long time in my opinion. But if you as me that have had it real high for the past 2-3 seasons due to that i have built my arena a lot if i just stopped for a short while and did not build it would be down at 3 again after just a couple of weeks. So both ends of this should need fixing.
Sorry, but I still not sure what the point is about.
Investing on arena is investing. The fans can appreciate it (to some degree).
And by the way, who decides what is and is not relevant in a discussion?
When one is discussing apples, and the other speaks about constructing a house, it is irrelevant.
If your comparing RL and BB you need to look at more then just one thing. How is the structure built? How do you earn money? What effect will not winning games have? and so on, and so on....
This is a programed game built up on if's. And if you figure out what those if's mean and you do what is best for your team within those if's your just doing your job the best you can as a manager of your BB team.
So let's replace it to spider solitaire, and call it BB-managing game.
This game is trying to simulate BB-managing.
It should be as close to that as possible.
It is not a "F16-simul