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Ask GM to help! Help! Help! (thread closed)

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From: Ken

This Post:
218667.13 in reply to 218667.12
Date: 5/25/2012 1:09:05 AM
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Can you give me the after-tax money back after the player has been sold at the auction?

From: Jason

To: Ken
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218667.14 in reply to 218667.13
Date: 5/25/2012 2:10:44 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
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Can you give me the after-tax money back after the player has been sold at the auction?

I am sorry, and I know this totally sucks, but it's been the policy from day one that this cannot be reversed. Other people have made the same mistake, and there was nothing that could be done for them, so I am afriad the same is true in your situation.

From: Ken

This Post:
218667.15 in reply to 218667.14
Date: 5/25/2012 2:15:16 AM
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So I took it as a charity.