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Was my opponent right to crunch this match

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246668.13 in reply to 246668.1
Date: 9/9/2013 11:03:13 PM
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It certainly looks like he made the right move now. ;)

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246668.15 in reply to 246668.13
Date: 9/10/2013 9:46:51 AM
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Dont make me laugh , i play to win , i dont beat the guy in the next round if i crunch time that match so theres no chance he does. He obviously didnt look ahead and scout the guy in front of him. And for 47 minutes it looked like i had made the right move lol. Il have a good chuckle tonight when the guy from the other conference beats this guy.

He only just luckily scrapes past me with hca and +1 enthusiasm so he is going to be beaten by the guy who has arguably a better all round team than even me and will be playing with max enthusiasm stored from his easy playoff cakewalk so far.
But then again some peoples goals of success are different. I dont care to make the finals if i cant win them. Each to their own though.

Last edited by DanielPaton at 9/10/2013 9:51:10 AM

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246668.16 in reply to 246668.15
Date: 9/10/2013 11:21:10 AM
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Well you can't win the finals if you don't win the semi's that much is for certain. And this was a game that you previously stated he had zero chance of winning.

Just Sunday I posted in the Canadian forum that the absolute biggest strategy mistake teams make in the playoffs is playing TIE in the conference finals and then losing because of it. You can throw a game in the finals but you have to get there first. You can choose to disagree but based on what just happened, I can only conclude that you're being stubborn about it.

Even with a weaker of the 2 final teams he's got home advantage in 2 of the 3 games, can TIE the game in the middle to rebuild some enthusiasm and it looks like his opponent played crunched during his semi final game too so no advantage gained there.

Quality of his team aside, so far his strategy has been nearly perfect.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 9/10/2013 11:32:57 AM

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246668.17 in reply to 246668.16
Date: 9/10/2013 11:28:11 AM
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I can agree with most of this but i disagree on some parts , its pretty clear he has normaled both his playoff games , he will crunch time both matches and win 2-0 if he has any brain. And he would do this to me if i was their instead. I think i would be struggling to beat him in game 1 at home never mind at his home in game 2. So i think this guy will lose. Looking at it theres no way he could win it all anyway . Either me or his final opponent would beat him no matter what he do.

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246668.18 in reply to 246668.16
Date: 9/10/2013 4:57:55 PM
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As i predicted , the other team beats him in his own backyard and will most likely wrap it up when he takes the series home. I think even stevie wonder could see this one coming.

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246668.20 in reply to 246668.18
Date: 9/10/2013 5:21:50 PM
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As i predicted , the other team beats him in his own backyard and will most likely wrap it up when he takes the series home. I think even stevie wonder could see this one coming.

The game did kind of go to overtime, though, which means that both teams had their chances to win it. I don't know about you, but if you give me the choice between a toss-up game at home to open the finals, or a loss in the semi-finals, I'd never think I had a better chance of promoting with the latter option.

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246668.22 in reply to 246668.1
Date: 9/10/2013 5:30:14 PM
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As i predicted , the other team beats him in his own backyard and will most likely wrap it up when he takes the series home. I think even stevie wonder could see this one coming.

Well that's an amazing call on your part!

At least you finally got one prediction right, these two statements written in the opening post in the thread didn't work out nearly well for you. ;)

but im convinced that there is no way he will be able to defeat me in the playoffs


surely he has killed his enthusiasm and with it his only chance of beating me in the playoffs

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 9/10/2013 5:30:56 PM

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246668.23 in reply to 246668.19
Date: 9/10/2013 6:16:55 PM
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Really thats funny , i was under the impression he would be running at more of a loss since he would have to pay an extra weeks salary and that would outweigh any gain he made from playing the extra game and revenue. This brings me back to my point of why i would rather not be in the finals if im going to lose.
