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GDP - poll

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From: Flamen
This Post:
250719.13 in reply to 250719.11
Date: 11/12/2013 8:48:37 AM
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What we can be sure about with this poll is that the average BB user does not read the forum.

If you Improve forum you improve community thus improving the game.

Last edited by Flamen at 11/12/2013 8:49:01 AM

This Post:
250719.14 in reply to 250719.11
Date: 11/12/2013 12:06:33 PM
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You got me wrong i mean if you a better team will you risk for god only know who to MAYBE win by more points. Less risk would be to abandon rotation and wont let scrubs to play cause they could screw things up. So averagily the team weaker on average would use this shit and if it doesnt work team fails to win, so loses nothing. if it works it MAYBE win.

Also because of this stronger teams would get more pressure in league games, would lose on average more games and would need to hire better players pay more salaries, save starters at cup etc... no positive things at all..

So to conclude for weaker team its NOTHING HAPPENS( still lose despite GDP)-WIN (Manages to win either by setting GDP correctly or by stronger team setting it INCORRECTLY) situation
While for better teams its NOTHING HAPPENS(Still wins despite GDP)-LOSE (loses because oponents right GDP or wrong gdp by their own OR BOTH)situation <-- Thats why smart manager should never risk if its stronger team. because risking basicly increases ur chances losing.


so on average weaker team would gain advantage over stronger team. it takes away some amount of advantage of being stronger team.

Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 11/12/2013 12:12:53 PM

This Post:
250719.16 in reply to 250719.15
Date: 11/13/2013 9:48:26 PM
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Wow, this poll is a even 53-53 deadlock, you asked a very good question, sir.

This Post:
250719.17 in reply to 250719.15
Date: 11/13/2013 10:02:02 PM
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I think he trying to say why be penalized for your hard work.. I agree with him.. Ita lot good feature in the game that allow weaker team to already win versus a stronger team.

As the those who say let see how it work before it lighting a fire.. why in hell would anyone want to do that. Its just neglecting your hard work.

Just because i have a 1.5 million dollar team and the next man has a 999K$ . That does not mean he will never beat me. But when he does I have to look at the facts. You cant win them all, the game has enthu and triaining . Teams are being beat 173-10 understand-able.. But Better training make teams stronger. Why should any manager be penalized for building a team into a tactic that's not called LI or low post? Now they have to play a guessing game. When we all damn well know they spent the last 3-4 season acquiring those outside players..

I voted no. Because I think with training in differ tactic this game can improve and balance . A lot of games are showing this to be true

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 11/14/2013 4:22:16 PM

This Post:
250719.19 in reply to 250719.15
Date: 11/14/2013 7:53:52 AM
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Underdogs suppose to risk more, and thats the idea.

But they wont risk more, they will risk less, cause they have nothing to lose. if you have nothing to lose so how are you supposed to risk something if you have nothing?

Games are too predictable and weaker teams has a little chance to actually win.

Mots vs tie at home arena is somewhat +20-30 points isnt? too little chance? Tactics is not the case, TANKING IS THE CASE. Games too predictable because weaker oponents doesnt give a shit to even try win basicly. Look at any league, how many teams did any effort to get better this season after slow start? 0? maybe 1? How many teams sold key players and tanking rest of season? 5? 10? why they would gain advantage against other managers if all they do TANK and SOMEHWAT TANK with trash priceless players on the roster? WHy would they get advantage against teams who played hard at relegation series? More random wins, 100k salary trash team beats 200k good players cause of pure luck?WHy would a team get advantage while having 10k guards and 150k centers playing outside tactics? why would team get advantage if it cant use roster they have, balance roster for current tactics? Is managing a team worth something then?

Few seasons ago i had interesting league 4 final series. guy had Lithuanian u-21 big man 86k or so salary but skills at the end of season were near 200k i had 24k and 9k front lineup and few young trainees on guards i outplayed him with like 100k roster against his 250+k cause he had 3 huge big mans but raned outside tactics, while i raned inside tactics against his 3-2 zone:D Smarth eh?. Was he worth an advantage? Aparently BB managers thinks he was worth...

I tank too 1season league3 1season league 4 and so on now 3rd time gona relegate, cause i want good trainees but i dont agree that i should have an advantage against other teams because i am tanking.

On average after this stupid update tanks will get more wins whats means more cash cause of better satisfaction of fans.

Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 11/14/2013 8:32:24 AM

This Post:
250719.20 in reply to 250719.19
Date: 11/14/2013 12:06:59 PM
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they wont risk more, they will risk less, cause they have nothing to lose

You're misusing the expression 'nothing to lose'. If a team has 'nothing to lose' it means that if their risks backfire it won't matter because they didn't have anything in the first place. But if their risks pay off, they still gain something.

This Post:
250719.21 in reply to 250719.18
Date: 11/14/2013 4:29:16 PM
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Yes i agree with the 1st half of what you say, but not the rest. The games are to predictable? why because Look inside is the tactic to use. low post is that tactic to use. How is it my fault that I built a outside team and cant compete versus a inside side team no matter the cost of the players. Please don't use that championship team that use motion because look at his salary how many team will ever be able to afford that?

For every 1 sub par to good player for a outside tactic you have 20-30 Look inside and low post players on the market. That why it lopsided because look inside is the best way to play. low post is best way to play.. .To strengthen that arugement.. I can go find the best patient guard on this game and a somewhat good pf in Lowpost is worth more and considered better by our peers of the game.. How can anyone expect to win like that.? So in small im already penalized for playing a outside tactic. I don't have the money to buy the guard to even compete by the data of the game with look inside. They say train sb on big man. Why don't just decrease jr / js cost for guards while increasing the defense cost of him. The guards are already shooting badly in data base anyway.

Every season I have 1/5 mill -2 million in the bank and still cant afford the guards/players, I needs because the training would drive me in debt in 1-2 season time, while I could spend less and playing look inside. So again I'm already penalized . My team is nothing to scream at.. I'm about a outside shooting team. Its not hard to figure that out.

I don't agree with it going make them play differ tactic or build new tactic players. All I see is rise of m2m defense li, lp. iso inside.. because the cost are cheaper to attain to buy/ build and the market already benefit this already.

This Post:
250719.23 in reply to 250719.22
Date: 11/15/2013 1:33:03 AM
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Speaking of Look inside in general, I have a somewhat related question (to all). Creators were always dragging about shot blocking, though most people were never focusing on that skill. I would imagine interior defense is the most important thing in wishing to stop look inside. And the reason why look inside is OP, might be the fact majority of bigs in this entire game, are insignificant shot blockers, meaning their interior is insignificant as well? Are there people who have dominant shot blockers? How you stack against LI?-u will/

In my personal opinion you need at least 9-11 sb to stop low caliber Li team.. You need that on your bench players as well. I trained interior defense on all my players and all I got was injuries. I don't think interior defense is the cure, if they have good passer and top notch inside men, sb does not matter.Im getting 10-12 block a game.

I don't know what you need to have to be honest. Im assume 15+ is effective.. I just know the more sb you attain the more fouls/injures. Also it problematic to play players with Gs decline and etc.. This just my view of what happening to me. I'm looking for answer my self

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 11/15/2013 1:38:33 AM
