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Suggestions > +1 ball system

+1 ball system (thread closed)

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From: RandyMoss

To: Duck
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286825.13 in reply to 286825.12
Date: 7/3/2017 7:35:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
more balls, which serve no purpose, but people subconsciously assign a purpose to.

you and other people actively made fun of these balls by doing it, which implies, that there'd be a cause and effect outcome to doing it. Maybe to be #1, maybe to be #2, maybe to make fun of people that look at the balls people have, to decide if there is any merit in what someone says.

which is not much different than people looking at how long a manager has been around.

But, regardless, people... or "people" depending on how you look at them, will use those as some form of organizational tool to determine the relevance of someone's comments or ideas, or etc.

real life comparisons, people that use people's twitter follower amounts to determine their "relevancy"

Its just the sad state that society is going, and nothing can be done about it I guess.

An Irony I see: We'll make the economy as realistic as possible with rich getting richer, and other people needing massive massive amounts of hard work and determination, or winning a lottery, to have same results.

The social aspect mirrors much of social media.

but the basketball itself, and the training itself, do not much mirror real basketball at all.

I've divulged from my original topic enough, and will take a bow, wear my "village idiot" sign, and go back to my league forums.

This Post:
286825.15 in reply to 286825.14
Date: 7/3/2017 10:09:20 PM
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Also, different colored balls could be good.
I just hope I never would be given blue balls.

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