Thanks for the warm welcome. I think I left in early season 30s. But gosh, things sure have changed. There are so many scouting options (used to be just two) and there's this new staff thingy, and blank lineup LI is no longer as effective as it used to be... Takes a lot to catch back.
That said, I do agree that experience doesn't really matter in this case. Frankly speaking being a U21 manager is totally different from a club manager - as long as you can tank and be rich enough to buy a super team, you're already halfway there. But sadly you can't do this in the U21, especially with a micronation like Singapore where you have limited resources.
It would be great if both candidates came up with a "blueprint" of how to handle the U21. Do correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't been in this community long enough to know if such a system is in place, but this is important if we want continuity.
Basically as a U21 manager, communication is important (and yes you all have mentioned about reports), but other than communication in terms of NT reports etc, the U21 manager would also have to build rapport with the managers (especially those in div II) to help with drafting good players so that the good ones don't go to waste. Excel spreadsheet, Google forms - all these can be used as a database for players.
I do agree with LDS over not overlooking low potential players (tho it depends on how low, I'm sure we don't want a BB developer potential player on the list xD ) - we certainly don't have the luxury of doing that here. I've been quite off the U21 scene for a few years, but back then I would have a minimum potential of star on my shortlist, while loosely keeping an eye on starters (happened once, we had an injury crisis, and I had a starter who was good enough to fill a bench role). I'm not sure about now, but low potential players (star, all-star) can be built as pretty one dimensional players (3 skills C's anyone?) without worrying about affecting the NT. Iirc monoskilled players tend to eat up their potential faster, but it's also the fastest one to build and you'd have a solid player for your team pretty fast (I mean, you probably can get a multiskilled SF by the age of... 21 maybe? But you probably got a decent U21 ready C at 20.)
Not sure how the transition between the old coach and the new coach will be, but judging by the current roster and last season's roster, we might have to rebuild a player database. The only way we can do that is by scouring through the drafts of Div I and II. Iirc there's a period before U21 enthusiasm resets (can't remember when), so you can actually call them up then drop them after noting down their skills.
Also we might want to have some "NT farms". Legit ones, I mean, not by cheating. This might be kinda hard (considering our headcount), but back then I was able to get a couple of div II teams to consistently produce U21 players for me. Tho with 20 players I don't really think we have much chances in convincing anyone unless there is someone who is willing to take one for the team (coz this way everyone has a shot in SBBL and probably won't stay in div II for more than a season unless they're purposely tanking). I for one, would probably convert my own team into one (until I get rich enough to decide to get competitive one day), once I get proper prospects and a proper trainer.
That said, talk is easy. I personally admit that I don't really have time to invest into this at the moment (so again I'll discourage y'all from voting for me, I just joined in for fun, I don't even have a vote since my current team is not even 4 weeks old xD ). But I can work together with the next U21 manager if needed. My ideas might have worked with a 50 to 60 pax community, but I'm not so sure how it'll fit into our current community. So I guess it's up to both candidates for coming up with something better