i have 0 respect for your argument, it is underhanded at best.
Of course that sample is small. If you take the 9 best shooters, and then put a further arbitrary screen, you damn well better have shooters shoot 37% from the arc (Keep in mind thats very near the NBA AVERAGE, not the top end)
Again, in my division in the US, there is only one team out of 8 that is shooting better than the WORST team in the real life NBA. The NBBA teams dont fare better.
I think shooting percentages are low in general, but they are absurdly low from beyond the arc. Instead of acknowledging that bb-wide the percentages are too low, you are drawing samples of 9 people or fewer, or finding little picky arguments that maybe one of my players shouldnt have such a high percentage.
But I am done discussing with you. Its clear from your tone and temprament that you are not a pleasant person to talk with.
I have made my point and thank you all for your time.
well, if every team has sucky 3 point shooting, im pretty sure its time to go after the system.
I did my very own little experiment, and searched for players with 12+ JR. I found 9 (nine) of them, as opposed to the 84 with 12+ JS and 46 with 12+ IS.
Of this very small sample, everyone who had at least half-decent passing (read: didn't jack up any opportunity he got, thus damaging his shooting percentage beyond repair), had 3FG% of .370 or better.
The results are pretty much the same when you expand the search criteria to 11+ JR and 4+ Pass.