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Bid on own player

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From: /joao

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68034.13 in reply to 68034.12
Date: 01/12/2009 23:22:21
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People need to understand that sometimes when a player is put in the TL and the owner at the last day is still unsatisfied with the highest offer, he may - and should - buy him.

Yes, part will be lost due to taxes, and selling anytime soon after will have a higher incidence of transfer taxes, but thats a choice a GM has to face

From: Heathcoat

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68034.14 in reply to 68034.13
Date: 01/13/2009 05:27:27
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I once almosr bid on my own player for this reason. I wanted to upgrade at SG and put up one of my SG on auction. The bids were so low I thought I couldnt get better and was going to outbid. The bid went high enough so I didnt bid, and next time I will just set the minimum higher. I can see where someone might legitimately bid on thier own player.

It doesnt work much in your favor to try and jack up the bid, because if you get stuck with your own guy you lose on the taxes and for the next sell attempt its even worse. Better to set a mnimum bid at the lowest you will accept. If you think someone is trying to jack the price up, try and stick him with his own guy. That'l teach him :)

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68034.15 in reply to 68034.3
Date: 01/16/2009 07:13:28
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I bid on my own player by accident. I got confused doing the sell a player part of the tutorial and ended up biding on him twice b4 i realized what i was doing, lol, should i be banned because i am computer illiterate?

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68034.16 in reply to 68034.15
Date: 01/16/2009 07:59:29
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Shame on you!! :) No harm done there: if nobody bids more you will pay the transfer fee (10 to 20% of the final transfer price), and the player remains yours.