Ok I just thought of something.
Since now an injured player gets treatment during the offseason, they should also have time to rest, no?
Right now, I'm not able to play some of my players, because they already played 60+ minutes this week. Except they should be rested after the offseason.
This Friday (22/04) all players will be set to respectable gameshape so the minutes they play this training week don't matter for game shape.
So gameshape was reset during the offseason, and will be reset, again, 4 days later? It doesn't say that.
(178691.1)April 18 (Mo): We begin off-season processing. After the conclusion of the last competitive national team game of the day, this involves a Game Shape reset, so it is probably inadvisable for most teams to train Game Shape.
April 18 (Mo): U21Elections begin late tonight (EST). Please refer to the U21 "Election Central" page for further information about the deadlines to register and vote.
April 18 (Mo): (If added) New countries are first available for sign-up.
April 21 (Th): Scrimmages
April 23 (Sa): First league game day of the new season.
I thought I didn't have to care about minutes played during the last week of the playoffs, because GS resets in the offseason, but the minutes are still there, so I hope you're right and there is a GS
reset friday and not just a GS update.
"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme