I'm wondering if its something like this for MtM (guessing of course)~
40% 30% 20% 10% 5% .. or maybe its more like 45% 30% 15% 6.5% 3.5%
It's very possible. I should check how the def rating were calculated in Coach Parrot but I believe there is a contribution to the team rating from each position, it's just that in some cases it is negligible.
Also I'm fairly sure in CP SB isn't accounted for as a contributor to the team ID rating (or the effect is extremely small), but this might be due to a number of factors:
a) SB has been boosted since CP regressions were run and the effect is not so negligible anymore
b) SB was very unpopular in the past, therefore there were less players with high enough SB to estimate the coefficients correctly
I'll reply again to this when I have the time to go through the Coach Parrot excel spreadsheet so that I can post how the contributions are estimated in there (again, SB will be completely wrong for the above reasons)