Zum GDP und welche Geschwindigkeit die einzelnen Angriffstaktiken haben:
(250685.97)Since some users still have some doubts about how GE will behave in the offenses concerning the GDP here is the official answer from BBs for each tactic. Just to add that the new feature will be enabled from the first game.
Offense Focus Pace
Base Offense: Normal Normal
Push the Ball Normal Fast
Patient Normal Slow
Look Inside: Inside Fast
Low Post: Inside Slow
Motion Outside Normal
Run and Gun Outside Fast
Princeton: Outside Slow
Inside Isolation Normal Normal
Outside Isolation Normal Normal
Oder auf deutsch:
Standard normal normal
Schnellangriff normal schnell
Geduldig normal langsam
Nach innen innen schnell
Über Center innen langsam
Bewegung außen normal
Brechstange außen schnell
Princeton außen langsam
Iso-innen normal normal
Iso-außen normal normal
Last edited by LA-Karangula at 12/26/2013 2:50:31 PM