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Player exhaustion

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From: mink0ff

This Post:
313819.132 in reply to 313819.131
Date: 4/24/2022 9:01:30 AM
BC Vitosha Sofia
A Grupa
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sofia Alpha Dogz
One last important thing - this type of approach, if done properly, allows further changes to the numbers - ST decay percentages and GS penalty coefficients (if the effects are deemed too strong/weak) very, very easily and more what's more important - seamlessly and could be continuously monitored and tweaked until the expected results are achieved completely.

BBB: 2 (S37 S38); Top tier: 7 (S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S41 S63); Cup: 9 (S25 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S61)
This Post:
313819.133 in reply to 313819.130
Date: 4/24/2022 9:08:59 AM
Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas)
Overall Posts Rated:
The changes in the middle of the season was a bad decision. Ιt would be a bad decision to implement the play off changes in regular season too because it will destroy training.

Whatever changes they want/should make they should be announced in the start of this season and take place in season 58.

It isnt logical to have two game engines, i agree, but first you have to deal with training and how to avoid hurting it.

Not a bad proposal by Sofia Alpha Dogs and mink0ff. Players can stay in the court for 48 min and their performance will drop later in the game.

This Post:
313819.135 in reply to 313819.131
Date: 4/26/2022 9:24:18 AM
Cobra Kai
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Second Team:
Wu Tang Clan
The tied gameshape during BBM B3 competition is one of the best propositions ever. Everything is neutral and the better team will win most of the time. GS clever manipulation can give you results against much better teams though. With your proposition I think managers will be somehow "forced" to see the strengths and weaknesses of their team, which is really good for the game in the long run

reducing the effect of higher stamina levels, and adjusting player aggressiveness when in foul trouble. The new GE is deployed and is applied to all matches starting now. (Note: The exhaustion effect is still excluded in regular season matches and scrimmages)

So players with high stamina wont have the same performance (question level 7 considered high stamina since 10 is maximum level a player can reach??) BUT the exhaustion effect is still excluded, that is really weird and make no sense.

Imho just implement the exhaustion effect yesterday, and after 1-2 season, even if lots of managers are at a huge disadvantage with such a change, the game will manage to be balanced again.

Last but not least, I have proposed in the past to bring the training minutes to 40 for all players and Im glad more and more people follow , I urge the bb staff to really consider this as a solid suggestion that will make everyone happy

Last edited by Cobra Kai at 4/26/2022 9:24:56 AM

This Post:
313819.141 in reply to 313819.140
Date: 5/2/2022 2:25:34 AM
BC Pirut
Overall Posts Rated:
Now this is good development for our game!

But logically buzzerbeater developers should make changes to stamina, like by playing it should increase in some time and/or arena facility which focuses on stamina. Same like freethrows...

To me players who play on nation teams or have salary like 200k per week, they are professionals and you should see it somewhere. Professionals take care of their body by their own. Right now bb world don't really "like" those type of players and this new change will affect them eaven more in the same matter.

So plz!

Give some love to super players and don't just hurt them more. The new development is great but lets use some logic

This Post:
313819.142 in reply to 313819.139
Date: 5/7/2022 2:38:53 PM
kk naprijed
Overall Posts Rated:
Just played a game and I had 20 points lead at the end of the third quarter, but the usual time for substitution to enter the game didn't happen.
I mean no subs enter the game. All five starters continued playing in the forth quarter.

Is that going to be the case in the future?
