That's why I said entire payroll and not just the bigs. If you play outside tactics, your outsidep players take bigger paycheck. And ditto for inside offenses. So your backcourt would have less salary than now, and that salary would transfer to the bigs. Basically same payroll.
You don't have to worry about ID on your bigs, as opponent's bigs will score almost equally good against ID 10 and ID 12 while the difference in salary is not negligible. You can somewhat compensate with OD and better RB on bigs.
My expected salary after this season's training probably comes close to 350k, so let's go with that. I'm not nearly good enough a manager to come up with a reasonable inside-focused team concept at 350k that can compete with a well-built inside team with 750k salaries. I don't want to say that it can't be done - I think USA Elite may have pulled it off, or came darned close - but I just can't see making it work myself. It'd be like taking a knife to a gunfight.
On the other hand, my team as currently comprised has already been competitive (well, and got a win that's probably fortunate) against one 750k team, and been reasonably competitive against other teams with much higher salaries and probably better managers as well. It's pretty much been a direct response to the "it can't be done" rhetoric around trying to beat LI with an outside offense. I'm certain I'm never going to get as far with this as SM got with his Motion team, and I don't presume to think that my experience changes the fact that LI is broken at the absolute top levels of this game. My goal is simply to show that at the levels 99% of users can aspire to, it's quite possible indeed for an outside offense (and really, Princeton!) to be competitive with LI, if you build it right. And since I haven't quite built it right yet, it may just succeed. ;)