Except that it does directly harm their ability to compete in exactly the same way that it does in this game. That's why for example the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL have moved arenas to larger venues. Without a bigger arena, larger ticket receipts couldn't come in and thus they couldn't develop a team as strong as the one they had as Superbowl contenders.
If you look at their ticket receipts in the 2010 season in comparison to the 2009 season (year after Superbowl run), besides a few outliers on rival games, their overall sales have gone down. I'd expect sales this year (if there is one) to be even lower as fans stop showing up every game for a team that's no longer in top playoff contention.
That's a single example, but honestly, I think this mirrors real life pretty well. It takes a half season for burned fans to go "Oh, wait, they've turned themselves around, let's pick up a few cut rate tickets and check them out" again, while the diehards will watch regardless. In the meantime, like the Cardinals, a smart owner in this game can look at the Arena, go "That's a reason we failed", fix it, and come back stronger in a couple seasons.
Last edited by Arislanx at 4/25/2011 9:09:33 PM