if this is indeed true, the common assumption that OD has to be trained earlier than other skills had it exactly the wrong way around - intriguing.
I am not so sure about it.
It will depend on the difference with other skills and also on what is your aim : a player usable only after 21 yo because you just think about NT or a player that will be useful to your team before.
If you have a player with JS 8 JR 8 OD 6 HD 7 DR 7 PA 7, I would personally train OD for sure because you need at least a player useful by defending if you care about your team.
The issue will be more an issue of proportion and rhythm : what gap will I let every time between JS and JR before training again JR, for example ?
You must try to let a gap of +4 between both before training again JR by hoping that the effect would be worth it, or trying to equilibrate every time as soon as possible between JS or JR.
These are different strategies. One will be only better than another according to your team.
Theses choices will depend on how much you trust this elastic effect, your needs according to your team in short future, , your other trainees, the final profile you want for your trainee, and last but not least the way a specific training offer secondaries :p
About all of it, Age effect isn't "something else", I think. it is just something that slows down the rhythm of your training plan
Last edited by Dunker Joe at 9/28/2010 10:05:37 AM