A perimeter SG for sure but really dont like the 2 atrocious... but dont worry, with the new system, they might pop once or twice even if you dont train them
just dont go overboard with the driving due to his atrocious IS.
passing isnt that important since many great SGs dont even have 10 PA.
route 1: you could jus crank his PA to 10 and dont really have to worry about it for the rest of his carrer then work on OD for the rest of the season.
route 2: rotate PA, OD, JS. keep OD and JS at the same level. next season you could decide what to train then. have PA at least 7 or 8 by the end of the season. maybe bring OD+JS up to 15-16 or JR up to 13-14 or PA to 10 the next season.
prolific OD is fine at 20 years old since they still pop once per 2 week, it might seem low due to all the managers out there blindly training 1 skill instead of other but elastic training is the way to go so route 2. ;)
this season goal is definately get his OD to 14, PA to 7 so he wont turn over so often, JS up to 13 at least. easy goals, pretty doable with the level 6 trainer.
p.s. if you do downgrade, get a level 5 at least
Last edited by SplitJ at 8/10/2011 11:34:25 PM