I laughed when i read this
This is a point where I somehow agree with Pin
*sorry Pini*
yer look, i think its a good thinking outside the square kind of idea. so you get a ball for that. But i think its trying to use a sledge hammer to crack a walnut.
I do kind of like the idea of hiding potential, but then that would TOTALLY stuff up the transfer market.
I know people whinge about low potential players. But i was just recently bidding on a guy with 6th-man potential. OK so im in Div III but im 10-0 and my starting SF is injured. point being is that a) Somebody trained this guy and b) i was prepared to buy him.
Ironically, so was someone else, because they outbid me.
fact is ive used star and starter potential players in the past, because there is no pressure to constantly train them. They have reached their cap, so now they become the player that i dont care about training minutes for.
So, what im saying is, is that i feel that there actually is a valid place for these kinds of potential players.
yoda hit the nail on the head with the dispersion stats. I actually think the problem is the salary of the players. why have a 19 year old MVP PF with atrocious rebounding. its just not cricket.
anyways, good ideas, but too much change for me. think smaller :)