i highly disagree with you on that point this way you make a hall new problem of high cash flow to the OP teams and no way to balance the in league dynamics
to make the PO 3-4 place worth more then a 5th place you will need to fix in a D.I atleast abut 600k diffrence now you add 200k lets say it will help lower the problem as you will implant the no TV contract for no league games you lower it to 200k in the favor or 5 place but what you did there?
you add 400k to the 1-2 place on top of that a gate income of over 700k
you see the problem?
if you add more money to the Playoffs gates you just creating a bigger hole in the top tier and second tier teams
my suggestion (aslong as it is not crashing in developments problems like game times and updates who run in the same time in other areas in the world) should fix the 3-4 to 5 place
BUT right now it will not fix the problem that every team that finish 3-4 just sell their players for the playoff and do not even try
for that you will need to add bump to the sallery floor and a big one
Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain