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Suggestions > TL deadline proposed change

TL deadline proposed change

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223178.14 in reply to 223178.11
Date: 8/20/2012 12:42:46 AM
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Then let's add this as well, and have a separate "cup eligibility". For instance, a player can only play a cup tie after the team has paid (at least) one of his salaries (maybe even 2?). This would at least prevent managers from buying those cheap monsters that go around and firing them before the financial update.

From: Ehud

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223178.15 in reply to 223178.9
Date: 8/20/2012 2:39:54 AM
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Sorry for the late response.
I love the suggestion - nothing more I can add. I would even make it more then 3 games if possible but some may say I am taking it too far.

I have one question regarding this issue - B3 has a TL, playoff as well (even though it's not enough) - why do we allow buying players right before the cup final?

I see many teams that get far in the cup quarter final and above just buy and sell players in order to win the cup. before the cup final you can see teams buying cheep monster 250K and above C and just play 3 big men look inside and kill the match...

I think it's very easy and straight forward to allow players that played prior to the quarter in you team to play in the Quarter - Semi and the Finals...

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: CrazyEye

To: Ehud
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223178.16 in reply to 223178.15
Date: 8/20/2012 2:55:21 AM
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imho a online game should allow some dynamic, and yes some player buy strong player before important matches but the most transfers are normal one since people enjoy to build there roster.

I think reducing the oppertunity that user can interact with the game to much, would hurt it more then the few "bought" wins.

From: Ehud

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223178.17 in reply to 223178.16
Date: 8/20/2012 2:58:20 AM
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I get that but I still think that there's should be a line.
Again, maybe I am taking it to far. It doesn't have to be prior to the quarter finals. Setting a TL for the Semi final will work as well...

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: CrazyEye

To: Ehud
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223178.18 in reply to 223178.17
Date: 8/20/2012 3:16:30 AM
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imho i prefer the GS approah, with a loss of 2 point of gs for a transfer. This limit the buying strategy, but would keep the game dynamic all the way. Cup deadlines would be ca bit complicated since there are different, and in small country even very early so that they have trouble to rebuild, and if the PO deadline is moved 2 weeks like proposed, you have 1/3 of the season consisting of a no transfer period.

From: Ehud

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223178.19 in reply to 223178.18
Date: 8/20/2012 3:21:37 AM
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GS approach is possible in my eyes only if players will loss 2 points of GS for the transfer and keep that GS after first training.

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: yodabig

To: Ehud
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223178.20 in reply to 223178.19
Date: 8/20/2012 3:30:12 AM
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Maybe you should lose a random amount between 2 and 4 game shape. No problem buying players at the end of a season. No problem buying players in the first week (with the game shape reset) but during the season they will take a couple of weeks to get used to the team (as it should be). Still teams buying on a Friday that are training GS (which with training being devalued is more and more teams in the top leagues) can expect the players to be totally fine to play Saturday week just eight days later.

From: CrazyEye

To: Ehud
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223178.21 in reply to 223178.19
Date: 8/20/2012 4:17:05 AM
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imho 2 is quite a big drop, you have to buy a lot of quality to compensate for it. And it isn't jumping back so fast, maybe you are lucky once in a while but overall it needs time(just remember the first weeks after the reset). but since you couldn't trust on luck, especially with a much higher pay check, it is a good sabotage to such strategy where you had to pay significantly more salary.

(4 would be to way to high, and at the beginning of the season are also important games sometimes even 3 per week which means you don't have the oppurtunity to play him in 6 scrimmage to get the shape up)

Last edited by CrazyEye at 8/20/2012 4:18:00 AM

From: chihorn
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223178.22 in reply to 223178.21
Date: 8/20/2012 9:35:19 AM
New York Chunks
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I'm actually not so concerned about buying players for Cup games. I've always felt like the Cup tournament is sort of a strange duck in BB they way it layers with the regular season. Since the tournament situation is so strange in my mind, I guess I don't really get too much into the tournament-TL relationship too much and I've just learned how to ride the seasonal market changes during tournament seasons.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
From: GM-hrudey

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223178.23 in reply to 223178.14
Date: 8/20/2012 11:02:45 AM
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Then let's add this as well, and have a separate "cup eligibility". For instance, a player can only play a cup tie after the team has paid (at least) one of his salaries (maybe even 2?). This would at least prevent managers from buying those cheap monsters that go around and firing them before the financial update.

I think an exception must be made for the first round(s) of the Cup - there's no reason a player bought in the offseason for example should have to wait until round 2. But if you set this rule to go into effect after the first or second week of Cup matches has been played, it's a quite solid proposal indeed.

From: rcvaz

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223178.24 in reply to 223178.23
Date: 8/20/2012 11:45:11 AM
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Yeah, of course. For the first round, maybe even the 2nd since you may take a week to build up your roster, you wouldn't apply the rule. But from then on you could impose it. Thanks for pointing that out ;)
