"We are losing our Basketball sim"
You're welcome to join in the conversation constructively any time you choose, instread of threatening to block someone from the forums. A good example might go a long way.
Well, you hooked me.
Just to be clear, there were three threads from 5/21 through 5/28 closed in the Bugs thread that ended with you going off-topic and trying to turn that thread into your personal complaint forum to BB-Marin about the new FA policy. He told you explicitly in the first message that it was not the place for the discussion. The second thread got closed silently after multiple users had already pointed this out to you, and then the third thread was closed by me because you yet again had decided that you felt you had the right to use that as your discussion forum.
Now, honestly, I think I did make a mistake of not counting Marin's explicit message to you about that as a warning and counting your activity in the two subsequent threads as repeatedly violating that warning. And I probably should have given you a forum ban for that, or at least applied an official warning, which you will note still has not happened. But since you clearly did not understand, if you want to consider it a threat or a reminder of the rules of the forums which you've ignored previously, please understand that you will not use the Bugs forum as the place for venting your frustrations about the course of the game or there will be consequences.
Now I am going to say a few more words, and then hopefully be done with this thread. Likely I will be done with you personally as well, as while you have every right to strike the same key on the piano over and over and over, I would much rather pay attention to someone who has discovered that the other 87 exist as well.
Here's one place you could start if you disagree with my points: "Clearly a large number of users are disappointed in the change in FA and feel deceived. That is why so many "bugs" are being reported and you have to close thread after thread to try to discourage conversation of this disastrous change.
You mistake volume for quantity. Look at the three closed threads again and look how many people actually complained - two threads were people asking about players not going to FA, being told that they didn't meet the new criteria, and being disappointed but that was it. The other was a question about a player not being able to be added to the NT because the team went bot, which was related to the issue. But pretty much the whole "large number of users" who are disappointed were instead posts by Grullo in one thread, Lemonshine in another thread, and you in all three.
At least I'm trying to address the matters on their merits, not just issuing threats.
The issue here, in my opinion, is that this game does not do precisely what you want it to do, feel it should, and consider that the development of the game should be made to appease you and if you misunderstand the intent, you are being lied to. The only things I can say are that you know where the suggestions forum is. If you have suggestions about what the game should be, feel free to empty yourself of them there where they belong. You know where the global forum is. If you have thoughts about the state of the game as it is and where it is going, feel free to empty yourself of them there where they belong. You know where the bugs forum is. If you have legitimate bugs to report and can do so within the rules of the forum, feel free to empty yourself of them there where they belong. If none of the avenues seem likely to get you the game you want, there are plenty of game development and design resources I'd be happy to link you to.
Oh, and make sure you remember that discussion of staff decisions is forbidden, and that some GMs enforce that as written.