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u21 Player

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From: Rockets

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323607.14 in reply to 323607.12
Date: 5/30/2024 2:15:04 PM
Rigol Rockets
Super League
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Unfortunately not for a while. It is Senior NT elections this offseason coming. U21 elections are not until after next season.

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From: Rockets

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323607.16 in reply to 323607.15
Date: 5/30/2024 6:36:30 PM
Rigol Rockets
Super League
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Look, I was just trying to defend myself against unfair criticism. If you disagree with me not spamming folks to get them to train players in a certain way, that criticism is valid.

Who said anything about spamming anyone. If you see basic communication from U21 NT manager to managers of players in the game, those who develop the players you are using, as spam - why take the job in the first place?

Saying "Hello, I'm the NT boss, if you need any help I can help in areas x, y, and z" when you first take the job is just a basic introduction and not spam. It shows responsibility to the role at the very least. And as for checking in from time to time, its just general, "how are things, is there anything I can help with". Some people will need more help or attention than others. Some people you might only have contact with once or twice a season. Some might not even respond.

Personally I believe that not taking the initiative and sending 1 email to say "hello I'm the new NT U21 boss, I'm here if you need help" or even making a press release and saying in it "you can contact me for help" (although not everyone may read an NT press release), does demonstrates a certain lack of responsibility and interest in the role.

although maybe don't praise his results in the same thread where you say results don't matter

Results do not matter, they are a bonus at U21 level. However, can I not compliment someone on being able to do well results wise as well as doing a good job in communication and help to managers? The only time results will matter if you have a manager come in and say, "if you do what I say for the next 4 years we'll be winning 5 or 6 games in a season" and after that time you have 0 wins in 4 years. Somethings very wrong in that scenario.

At the same time, I'm not going to sit back and allow myself to be lumped in with the current manager, who seems to be making exponentially less of an effort, simply because of assumptions you made based on neither of us contacting you about Haverty and Bradley.

Sure, you helped people who asked. Yes you booked scrimmages. Congratulations. I complimented you on helping people by the way.

But how many people may have contacted you for help had you sent that one message to say "Hey I'm U21 boss, if you need help I'm here". Let me ask a question - Is it easier to ask someone for help if they have contacted you to let them know they are there to help you? It might have be only 1 or 2, or as high as 9 or 10, nobody knows, but at least you could have said that you let everyone know you were there for help, and helped everyone who asked - nobody can ask more than that.

In all fairness, if you have no interest in taking initiative in contacting a manager of players in your NT squad, then I see no reason why you would take time to take initiative and contact managers of players who are not in the U21 squad but on the verge of it, or especially new managers who don't have players near the junior NT level.

Being an NT boss is far more than just picking a team every week. Responding to mails for help is one level of improvement, but being proactive and making sure everyone knows you're there for help if needed means you are leaving no stone unturned in your job.


The last thing I'll say, is this. People make mistakes. Whether its lack of communication or picking the wrong team or tactics. All these things help us learn and improve the next time we do them.

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From: Rockets

This Post:
323607.18 in reply to 323607.17
Date: 5/31/2024 10:23:21 AM
Rigol Rockets
Super League
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Like in all seriousness, are you just trolling now?

Your definition of spam is a little off. Saying "Hey I'm NT boss and I'm here to help if you need it" is not spam. Telling them you'll sell them X, Y and Z from your parents basement would be. We are here to play a basketball game that involves developing players to their best abilities. Players only get into NT squad if you pick them... Developing players and having a player in an NT squad does benefit teams.

Telling someone you need to do X, Y, and Z without them asking for it is very pushy indeed, which is why you introduce yourself, and let interested people come to you. In that situation you are NT manager after all and, again, players only get into NT squad if you pick them, why not make yourself available to people in a professional manner? Did you make a press release saying contact me if you need help if you don't want to email people?

The managers who had fringe candidates were advised how their players could make the team if that was something they were interested in.

So how did these people know they had players on the fringes? Did you proactively email them? Which you claimed not to do yesterday.

And nobody said you force people to train players a certain way. You are there for advice not to beat them with a stick.

Also, the reason I took the job was to try to win games. That's the disconnect here. My motivation was different from yours, but I already explained that.

Then why take an U21 NT job for a small country? To win with a small manager base requires a lot of organization and work. You not going to win a whole lot of games without communication and organization.

I simply do not agree that it's 99.999 percent of the job and match outcomes don't matter. I understand where you're coming from, but I couldn't disagree with it more vehemently with this job. I think saying that also discredits all the work that was done by my more proactive predecessor, even if you hedged enough to give him a little credit for his success.

For a small country development is key. In order to do this widely in eligible players you need to communicate with managers. Doing all that and winning games is really, really impressive if you ask me and hats off to those that achieve it. There are many examples in this game of small nations doing really well through organization and communication and well done to them for their hard work.

Prefacing a distortion of facts with "in all fairness" and then projecting your own experience onto everyone else is a move. Your guys weren't on the fringe, they were roster locks. I didn't think you needed my help. You seemed to have things under control. You clearly aren't all that interested in hearing my thoughts right now, in all fairness.

I never suggested they weren't roster locks. But my point is if you don't check in with people who have players in your NT squad, then how the hell do we know you actually checked in with anybody? We do not, and we can infer things from it and the fact you have made no press release, forum posts....

I reject the notion that messaging every domestic manager individually would have bore fruit in the manner you're suggesting.

It would have at least let people know you are approachable and open to helping people. If it helps one person its worth it. Again, for a small nation, helping and retaining 1 manager in game can be key in getting 2 more players into the NT in the future.

From: KPD23

This Post:
323607.19 in reply to 323607.18
Date: 5/31/2024 11:40:07 AM
Page 2
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Second Team:
Probably A Bad Idea
I'm sorry I didn't say hi to you.

From: cahill
This Post:
323607.20 in reply to 323607.11
Date: 6/24/2024 6:14:12 AM
Torc Colossus
Super League
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Hi All - just saw this forum. I'll be going for the U21 position again at the end of this season unless there is someone who really wants a go at a few seasons of it. The above is actions I used to do with the team when I had them previously and really liked it. I had them from seasons 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61.

It is about educating coaches on training and building players for the future, and just making the best of what we have.

This Post:
323607.21 in reply to 323607.20
Date: 6/24/2024 6:43:14 AM
Dublin Dragons
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Good luck in elections!

From: xrono

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323607.22 in reply to 323607.20
Date: 6/27/2024 9:36:36 AM
Atletico Calcinaia
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Good luck!
I hope that the under 21 can finally grow...I only saw 9 players called up....

From: Rockets

This Post:
323607.23 in reply to 323607.20
Date: 6/27/2024 10:01:32 AM
Rigol Rockets
Super League
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Good luck. Hope you win the election.

From: cahill
This Post:
323607.24 in reply to 323607.22
Date: 6/28/2024 4:34:39 AM
Torc Colossus
Super League
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Yeah coach isn't responding to any messages either - unfortunately this can happen, it's occurred a few times before.
