That pretty much sums it up. The full rules are here: more intensified your training is (the fewer positions trained), the greater the impact you will have on the trained players. Additionally, consider a players AGE and played minutes (if not doing team training). Players 18 - 20 seem to advance the fastest, 21-23 a tad bit slower. The older the player, the slower their advancement will happen.
To maximize your training, you want to get your played minutes a week over 48 and less than 90 for a player. Under training or over-training your player is not optimal, and the current speculation is that dropoff of benefit is NOT linear, but rather on a bell curve. Meaning, if your PG plays 45 minutes, he will not gain the benefit of 93.75% of the training, but more like 75%. Again, that is speculation based on information gleaned from the forums.
There are some skills which are also 'tied' to the height of a player. For example, a taller player will advance faster in rebounding than a shorter player. While this advancement is faster, remember two players of STRONG rating will rebound the same, regardless of height.
Your level 10 trainer will provide the BEST training possible for the method you are using.